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Breakdown after breakdown. That's all that happens when it comes to Kirstin. She truly did hate herself, but no one else knew why.

Especially Avi.

He tried and tried to make it better, he really did. He wanted her to be better. He didn't care how much of his life he cut off if it were for Kirstin.

11:46 pm

"A-Avi? I-I understand if y-you don't f-f-feel like it, b-but c-coul-"

"I'll be right there, Snowflake."

And he drove as fast as he could. He didn't like to keep her waiting. When he arrived, he could hear her, sobbing and yelling horrible things about herself.

He grabbed his key, quickly unlocked the door, and ran straight to her.

"Hey, Snowflake. Look at me. It's okay. It's all okay. I'm right here. Everything will be okay." Avi mumbled, wrapping his arms tightly around her.

She continued to cry, but latched around his neck for dear life, as if when she let go, he would drift away.

But he could never. He'd always stay, and he'd always be there.

2:34 am

"Why do you stay?" She asked quietly, looking down in her lap.

"You know I love you. More than anything."

"Well... Yeah, but... I'm not giving you anything. I have nothing. Yet you still come and save me every single night."

"Do you know what you're giving me, Kirstin Taylor? You're giving me purpose. I have a reason of being here. Also, I love spending time with you. It's one of my favorite things to do. You're... You're what I live for." He stated, trailing off at the end, then looking away once it got awkwardly quiet.

"I-I..." Kirstin lunged forward, attacking Avi in a hug.

"God, I love you so much. More than you'll ever know. Never let go. Never ever let go."

"I could never, Snowflake."

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