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Kirstin screamed excitedly, giggling. She was landing, and soon enough, she'd be in Jeremy's arms. Kate laughed and shushed her.
"We're still on a plane with plenty of other people, you know."
She laughed.
"I don't care!" She pointed excitedly out the window at the airport.
"Jeremy is in there right now!"
Kate laughed.
"Well, Hot Stuff, they're exiting. Try not to kill anyone on your mad dash to him." But by the time she had finished getting her sentence out, Kirstin was off the plane, and suddenly, she was nervous for Jeremy.
Kirstin ran inside, expecting the usual commotion, but everyone seemed to be stopped.
She looked around, then immediately started blushing when all attention was on her. Avi and Kevin walked up to her, both wearing suits, and let her to a small clearing where Scott and Mitch were singing a beautiful melodic harmony. All four boys paused to kiss her cheek and smiled at her excitedly, then continued to sing. She looked around once more, and smiled widely once she saw her two dogs run up to her. She giggled and petted them for a few seconds, before looking up and seeing Jeremy, completely dressed up. Of course, Kirstin had just gotten off of a plane, and she was wearing sweatpants, a loose tee shirt, her glasses, and her hair was in a bun. She blushed and giggled, covering her face. He walked over to her and smiled, gently pulling her hands from her face and catching her lips on his own. She pulled away from him, glancing up then back down.
"I look gross. What's all this about?"
"You look beautiful, love."
She smiled.
He took a deep, shaky breath, and grabbed her chin gently, making her look up at him before he spoke.
"My love, no words could begin to describe the feelings and impact you've had on my life over the past 2 and a half years, but I'll do my best. In August of 2013, I was blessed with the opportunity to meet you, the most incredible woman in the entire world. Since that very day not a moment has passed where you haven't consumed my entire being with your love, support, and friendship.
What we have is special. It's something I will never take for granted-- and although there have been countless times something has tried to get in our way and pull us apart, the only thing that matters is that we never listened. We are here, and each day we become closer, and what we have built together continues to grow stronger.
You deserve nothing but the best, and no matter what life brings us, I promise to give you nothing but my best. I want nothing more than to have you by my side for the rest of my life. Our life. Kirstin Taylor Maldonado, my darling, my treasure," He took a moment to pull out a ring box and get down on one knee. "Will you marry me?"
Of course, immediately as he started this speech, she started crying, and as soon as he ended, she had already said yes six times. Everyone in the airport cheered, and she laughed happily as he slid the ring on her finger. She hugged him tightly, telling him she loved him a countless number of times.
Yes that was what Jer said when he proposed.

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