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Among his other duties, Mycroft is the Crown's liason to Torchwood. He's made some effort to ensure that Sherlock and Captain Jack Harkness never meet.

(Oh, there will be a lot of flirting)

Jack: Nice to meet you in unusual circumstance, I am Captain Jack Harkness. And you are?
Sherlock: *blushes* The name is Sherlock Holmes and the address is 221 B Baker Street.
Jack: Oh. We just met you are giving me an address immediately, can I visit over and know what you will be doing tonight?
Sherlock: *deep blush* Working.
Jack: Working on what?
Sherlock: The chemical components that are involved in this crime scene in order to solve this case.
Jack: Well I should say that you and I had a chemistry together and HELP each other solve this case. So is 7:30 okay with you?
Jack: We'll I take that as a yes. *winks*
Sherlock: *tomato blush*

Did I just made a short-fic NVM. 😆😅
Jack: Well

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