TIP #16: Accepting What Happens Next?

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For any number of you, you've taken the painstaking effort of revising all of your work, pouring your heart and soul into fixing those problematic areas—tightening your plot, sharpening the grammar, etc. You do all of this hard work and there does not seem to be much payoff. Where is the validation that I've created a fine piece of work?

It's a hard pill to swallow when it does not seem that others appreciate your efforts. Your readership does not seem to have been impacted much, if at all. So, what's the takeaway? What should you glean from this experience?

You should remember that you have grown as a writer, and that's no small thing. It's huge...astronomical! There are millions of would-be and aspiring writers out there, but what makes you different is that you have begun the journey to become a great one. You have taken the path less traveled, and what you have discovered along the way is that each step gets you closer to the writer you hope to become.

That's truly what happens next...

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