TIP #18: Developing into Good Writing

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You don't just get one shot at this. So, relax. I've gotten tons of comments and reactions to this guide book. And what has struck me the most is how many have expressed weaknesses in certain areas of their writing. Good writing, folks, takes time. Even the best writers in the world, those who've written best sellers and have garnered tons of readers, likely started very humbly. I remember my very own first novel and while it was a good concept, its contents needed lots of work. Beta readers picked it apart, deservedly so. It has taken me years to develop my writing, to find my own voice in storytelling. I enjoy writing that's not formulaic, where I don't follow a script, where I'm trying something new to tell a story. It's sort of organic. Trust me, though, the writer that I am now is certainly not the writer I was then when I first started. I've had to develop my writing over time and I'm still honing my craft.

So, keep that in mind the next time you're coming down on yourself. Just keep developing. Keep improving. Keep searching for your own voice and way of storytelling. And have fun doing it!

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