Chapter 5

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Bria's POV

"We're here" James said. Snapping me out of my daydream.

"Ohh, I didn't even realize" I said

"Yeah, it was kinda obvious" he said jokingly

"Shut up" I said playfully. "I'll see you later" I added, walking off.

"HEY!" James said "Don't forget our time 5:30 okay? Meet me outside at the corner, I'll be waiting and don't forget to use the gun and call me if you need anything" he said.

"I promise I won't hesitate to call you and I can take a taxi home" I said

"Bria, I am taking you somewhere" he said in a duh tone

"Really? where ??" I asked sounding excited

"We're going shopping to get you some new outfits" he said


I was so excited, I love shopping

Well maybe I overdid it just a bit

Or maybe a lot

"You love shopping?" he asked

"Yeaah, I LOVE shopping"

"Okay, then don't be late. Bye babe" he said with a sexy smirk and drove off.

I started walking towards the Coffee Bar when I heard screaming, at first I was a bit tense because it started getting louder like the person was coming towards me, when I looked I saw Kevin running towards me and screaming like a little girl.

I laughed so hard

I mean it was a really funny scene

But then all of a sudden it wasn't funny anymore, I realized he wasn't going to stop running and then he would jump on top of me

And that would hurt

"Oh no you don't" I said

But it was too late

"CANNON BALL" he shouted while landing on top of me

"Kevin, you fat ass. Get off me" I shouted

"Nope!" he said popping the p

"I missed you so much Bria." he said

"I missed you too, now get off me" I shouted

He got off me, looked at me and started laughing.

"Bria, what are you doing on the floor?" he asked as if he didn't just knock me down

"Shut up and help me up" I said

He helped me up and we walked to a outside table for two and started talking about my situation with James, then we talked about him and what was happening with him and his 'dates'.

Kevin is a handsome boy, he loves girls but when we were younger he really liked this girl, he loved her but she just wanted to be seen with a cute guy. So he opened his heart for her and let her in, unfortunately she went in and broke it. He caught her kissing another guy and when he asked for an explanation she just walked off.

Stupid right

That same day, Kiara and I went to fight the girl and we did, of course we got in trouble but we didn't care, no one hurts our best friend.

Time flew by so fast, it was 5:30 now.

"Uughh I gotta go Kevin" I said

"Fiiine" he whined

"I'll call you later okay?" I said

"You better" he said

I just laughed and got up.

Then an idea struck me

"Hey Kevin, wanna meet James" I asked

"Uum I don't know..... Sure"

"You're nervous?"

"No, I just don't wanna die" he said

I started laughing, real hard

"I'm serious Brii, its not funny.... ok maybe it is a little" he said

"He's not gonna kill you, he knows how much you mean to me so he won't" I said

"Okay" Kevin said

We walked outside around the corner where I saw his car, he was standing leaning against it looking at his phone.

"Hey" I said

"Hey" he said not looking up

"You ready to-'' he said but stopped when he saw Kevin

"James, this is my best friend Kevin" I said

They looked at each other for a while, it was kinda creepy cause none of them blinked

Then I saw James put out his hand for Kevin to shake it

"Nice to meet you Kevin, I'm James Black" James said casually

"Same here, I'm Kevin Johnson" Kevin replied

Then they started talking about gang and guns and stupid violent stuff.

Did I forget to mention? Kevin loves gun, so do I but he is really violent and loves gangs and fighting.

After 10 minutes of listening to Kevin and James talk, I was tired of it.

"AHEM!" I cleared my throat but no one seemed to hear.

I did it again but they paid no attention to me

"What am I, invisible?" I said

They both stopped talking and looked at me.

"Oh sorry babe, I just got uugghh caught up" James said

"Sure" I said plainly and walked off feeling a bit left out

I also forgot to mention, I love attention from people I care about and I hate being ignored. Not that I'm a spoiled brat or anything but everyone loves a little attention right?

"By the way, Bria loves attention, especially from people she cares about like you so give her a lot of your time okay?" Kevin said to James

"Yeah I noticed" James said

"Well, it was cool meeting you bro, see yah another time" Kevin said

"My pleasure dude" James said

They exchanged numbers and James came into the car.

"Hey, you alright?" he asked

"Yeah, sorry for walking off like that I just felt ignored" I said

"Oh, I'm sorry Brii'' he said

I smiled, "Its fine James"

Before he could answer, we were interrupted by loud gunshots aiming towards our vehicle.

"Oh SHIT!" James cursed

"Who's that?" I asked confused

"They're the people who wrote the note about you" he said

I couldn't even respond, all I could think about was the fact that I was gonna die.

James started the car engine and drove off fast, but the people were right behind us.

I heard James calling someone on his phone.

"Hey, I need backup NOW! Yeah....Sham and his men are right on my tail.. hurry!" he shouted

A few minutes after driving, we saw a few black ROVERS in front of us, I saw James smirking so I knew it was his men.


Sorry but I gotta stop here :/

Thanks for reading


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