Chapter 2: The Warriors Of Hope

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-Komaru P. O. V.-

"We are the Warriors of Hope, and welcome to the Hostage Life of Mutual Killing, meow!"

Everyone in the auditorium kinda froze.

"W-What the fuck are you talking about!?" the boy in the black uniform yelled.

"Language, young man! There are children present!" the graying haired man yelled at him.

The pink haired girl giggled on the stage. "Oh, don't worry. We don't mind you guys swearing. It just makes Takemichi more adorbs!"

The boy, who I assumed to be Takemichi, gasped. "How the fuck do you know my name you pink haired kid!?"

The wheelchair girl giggled. "Oh, I suppose we should introduce ourselves before we explain the rules. Masaru, shall you start?"

The boy with the headphones on stage took a step forward. "I'm Masaru Daimon! I am known as Li'l Ultimate P. E.! I'm the head of the Hero class of the Warriors of Hope!!"

No one spoke.

"You're fucking lame!"

Except Takemichi.

"Hey, shut up you big demon bully! Jataro, your turn."

The boy in the mask took a step forward. "My name is Jataro Kemuri. I'm known as Li'l Ultimate Art. I do the whole Priest thing for the Warriors of Hope. I hope you guys don't hate that."

The pink haired girl stepped forward. "It's fine, Jataro. I'm sure they hate you. Anyway, I'm Kotoko Utsugi! My title is Li'l Ultimate Drama! I'm the most adorbs Fighter of the Warriors of Hope! And did you know that most predators are natural born fighters? I'm not much of a predator, but I'm sure at least two of you are sexual predators! I'm guessing it's short and stout and chestnut over there! And speaking of chestnuts, I really like peeled chestnuts! But, I horribly despise unpeeled chestnuts! They are like two totally different foods!"

This girl might be a problem.

The blue haired boy sighed and stepped forward. "Enough, Kotoko. My name is Nagisa Shingetsu. I'm in charge of the Sage class. My title is Li'l Ultimate Social Studies."

That was... professional.

The girl in the wheelchair giggled and moved forward a bit. "Thank you, Nagisa. Monaca is Monaca Towa! Monaca is a Mage! And the head of the Mage class! Monaca's title is Li'l Ultimate Homeroom! And also..."

She started spinning around in circles in her wheelchair. "Monaca is the true leader of the Warriors of Hope!"

We were all silent. She stopped spinning.

Nagisa spoke. "We are the Warriors of Hope. A group formed for one reason."

"To create the ideal world! A paradise for kids, made of kids, by kids!" Masaru said.

"What... What does that have to do with us?" the man with the light brown hair said.

Kotoko giggled. "Well, you see. All adults are demons, and demons have no place in paradise! And did you know that if you say 'paradise' slowly it sounds almost like 'pair of dice?' What would do with a pair of dice? That would be four dice! That's two too many for normal games!"

"D-Demons!?" a sickly man with white hair said surprised.

Monaca nodded. "Yes! You all are demons. And that's why we have put you here!"

"What... What are you talking about?" a girl with chestnut hair asked, shocked.

Monaca smiled. "Nagisa, I think you should explain this."

Nagisa nodded. "Very well. This is not a family bonding experience. This is the Hostage Life of Mutual Killing. Each of you are the closest people, or animal, to one of the students of the 78th class of Hope's Peak Academy. A brother, a sister, a cousin, a pet, a lover, the closest person to them. And now..."

His glare was dead serious. "You are now hostages."

We all froze.

Nagisa continued. "You are being held hostage as leverage for Class 78. Though, it's only the first motive, so I assume that the leverage will fade quickly. One by one, each of you will come with me to the AV room where you will each record a message for your family. Komaru Naegi, you are up first."

He stepped off the stage and walked down the aisle to where my seat was. "Well, come on. The faster you move, the faster we get all this done."

I hesitantly listened and followed him out of the room.

My curiosity got the better of me and I decided to ask a question. "What are you guys planning?"

He seemed upset at the question. "We've told you. You demons are being held hostage. You will record a message for your brother, Makoto, then the others will record their messages, then that will be it."

"That... Well, that doesn't seem to be everything."

He stopped. "What do you mean?"

"You called this thing a 'life of killing.' What does this have to do with killing?"

He shook his head. "I suppose you should know. Your brother, and his fellow classmates of Class 78 are in a killing game. A School Life of Mutual Killing."

I was paralyzed. "What...?"

"You are going to record a message, wishing him luck in the game, telling him to win so that he can come back to you safely. You are not currently in danger, so tell him not to worry. Do not mention me, or the other Warriors of Hope or the hostages. Only speak directly to him about nothing but you being fine and wishing him luck at school. Do not refer to a killing game. Pretend this is you, at home, wishing him luck at the academy, like a normal school."

We entered the AV room. There was a camera set up. It was facing a chair with a green screen draped behind it. Nagisa stood behind it, and I sat down in the chair. "You may begin now, Komaru."

I nodded, then plastered a smile on my face, even though I didn't have to try hard. I was very concerned about Makoto.

"Hey big brother. I'm sure you're having fun at your fancy academy. I hope you made lots of friends. Be sure to tell me if you got a girlfriend when you get back. She'd better be smart and worthy of my big brother! I hope you're not dealing with any bullying problems, but if you are, don't let them get to you. You're very lucky to get into a school this important. Don't worry about me or mom and dad. We're fine. I'm fine. As long as you're okay, we'll be okay, too. Good luck at your new school. I love you, Makoto. Stay safe. Komaru out, peace!" I flashed a peace sign at the camera. I usually do it as a way of saying everything's okay.

But this time... things weren't even remotely okay.

Danganronpa 2.5: Hostage Life Of Mutual KillingWhere stories live. Discover now