Chapter 7: Elected Leader

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-Komaru P. O. V.-

Yuta and I entered the dining hall and saw everyone sitting at a table together, aside from Takemichi, who sat at a different table, a little bit away. We sat down at the remaining two seats, next to each other. Hiroko had set Kameko's jar down on the table, and Cheri sat curled up in Kenshiro's lap. Appears that they've become the designated keepers.

"So, how was everyone's search of their rooms?" Takaaki said, standing up.

We all basically said the same thing. We found either a toolkit or a sewing kit in their rooms. Hiroko and Kenshiro said they found similar things in Cheri and Kameko's rooms. After everyone shared, Yuta spoke up.

"I also found an empty pouch in the drawer, and a coin in the trashcan. Komaru did, too. Did anyone else find something like that?"

Again, everyone found about the same thing. Kenshiro left the pouch and the coin. Hiroko also left the pouch, but didn't pass up the chance for free money.

"Anyway, I wanted to address something before we start this meeting." Takaaki continued.

"And what's that?" Hiroko asked.

"I think we should elect a leader among us." He said. "We should have a figure of authority in this situation. Naturally, I vote for myself."

"Why the fuck do you get to make that decision, old man?" Takemichi grumbled from the other table.

"Watch your mouth, young man! And for your information, I happen to be a police officer!"

Hiroko seemed interested in the conversation. "If you're a cop, then where's your gun?"

He seemed almost angry at the question. "I think those kids took it."

She smirked, putting her feet up on the table. "Seems like you could use some more training."

Takaaki grumbled. "Fine! We'll take a democratic vote. One by one, we'll take votes, and you can vote for yourself. Naturally, I vote me."

I spoke up. "I also vote for Takaaki. He seems... capable. Plus, he's an adult. He should be better than someone like me or Yuta."

"Thank you, Komaru." He said, bowing slightly. "Who's next?"

The next person surprised me. Yuta stood up, slamming his hands on the table. "I vote Komaru!"

Everyone was shocked, including me. "What are you talking about? Why the fuck would you vote for her?"

"Komaru is a smart girl! She told me about the killing game before the Warriors of Hope did! She cares about us! We can trust her! I'm sure of it."

"Yuta..." I didn't know all that meant that much to him.

I also stood up. "I change my vote to Yuta!"

There was another round of surprised looks.

"He clearly is a smart and compassionate kid! Look at him! He voted for me just because I was nice to him! He deserves to be the leader!"

There was a bit of silence.

"I also vote Yuta." We all looked at Kenshiro, the source of the voice. "He clearly is a headstrong boy."

Takaaki slammed a fist on the table. "Kids should not be in charge of a group of people! Not when there are capable adults around!"

"I say Komaru." Hiroko said. "A good leader would acknowledge the others around them. Koko voted for Yuyu instead of herself when he stepped up. They both have balls. I like that."

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