Chapter 5: Names, Handbooks, And Keys

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-Komaru P. O. V.-

When the curtains closed, we all froze.

Is that it?

That's the big question.

Nagisa walking out between the curtains holding a box told us not quite.

"There are a few other things you all need." He said and Monaca, holding a jar with a cover on top in her hands, and Masaru, carrying a cat carrier, walked out on stage to either side of him.

Masaru set the carrier down and opened the gate. A black cat walked out, plopped itself down on the man with the brown hair's lap, causing him to jump a bit, curled up and fell asleep. Or I assume, as I couldn't really see it from way back here.

"Hiroko, please come here if you could, meow?" Monaca said.

The woman with pink hair walked up to the stage. Monaca set the jar down and the woman, who I presume to be Hiroko, took it. Monaca and Masru went back behind the curtains, presumably with Kotoko and Jataro.

Nagisa spoke up again. "These are your last two fellow hostages. That cat is Grand Bois Cheri Ludenberg, Taeko Yasuhiro's precious pet. And that bug is Kameko, Toko Fukawa's 'precious' pet." He seemed to place sarcasm on the second one, as if he didn't really care about it.

He placed the box at his feet. "These are your eHandbooks. They display your name when staring them up. They also show a map of the school, can keep track of important clues, manage your belongings, and keep track of the rules and regulations. Each of you have one, aside from the animals. Note, squashing that bug counts as murder. Not feeding it with make it starve, and whoever was in charge of watching it, currently Hiroko, shall be the culprit. Now, please take yours and try to follow the rules." He turned to leave, but hesitated, looking over his shoulder to give us a final word.

"You demon scum will not be leaving here alive. I will make sure of it."

With that, he vanished behind the curtain.

"I think we should get our handbooks." Yuta said.

I looked at him and nodded. "Yeah. Let's go."

We walked down to the stage to where the box was. Everyone else soon gathered around it.

I stuck my hand in and pulled out a notebook. When I turned it on, it said "Ayaka Haneyama"

"Umm... Who's Ayaka?" I said, holding the handbook up.

"I'm Ayaka." a girl with brown hair said. When I handed her the device, I noticed she had a cute face and scared eyes. She seemed gentle. She kinda looked familiar, too.

"I don't think we'll get far without knowing each other's names, dear." Hiroko said, holding the jar in one hand. I noticed the bug inside and the lid was one of those lids with holes poked in it for keeping living things.

"Yeah, I agree. I don't know everyone here myself. I apologize." a tough looking guy with sickly white hair said.

"Then, let's keep it brief for now, first names only. We can get to the specifics later. I'm Hiroko." the woman said, confirming my thoughts.

"M-My name's Taichi." the light brown haired man said. He was holding the cat in his arms. "D-Do I have to hold Cheri the whole time?" he asked.

"Let me take him. My name is Kenshiro." the man with sickly white hair said, taking the cat from Taichi's arms.

"Well, I said it before, but my name is Ayaka." Ayaka repeated, shyly.

"Name's Takemichi. Fuck off for a second." He pulled a handbook out of the box and turned it on. It must have been his, because he put it into his pocket.

"Don't be so rude, Take. Anyway, I'm Kanon!" Kanon quickly recovered from the shock she felt earlier. I could see her frozen earlier.

"My name is Takaaki." another grown man said.

"I'm Fujiko." a short, slightly chubby girl said.

"You may refer to me as Aloysius." the old man with glasses said.

"I'm sure most of you guys know me, but I'm Yuta." Yuta said, smiling. It was a cute smile.

"And I'm Komaru."

"That leaves me. I'm Fuhito." the man from earlier said.

"And I guess this little guy it Kameko." Hiroko said, holding the jar up.

"Yeah, yeah, stupid fucking bug." Takemichi grumbled.

We quickly sorted out the handbooks. Taichi put Kenshiro's into his pocket for him, since his hands were full of cat.

"Okay, now that we're done, let's fucking leave." Takemichi said, motioning to leave.

Hiroko caught his collar with her free hand. "Not so fast, Tata."

"The fuck you call me!?" He was angry.

"Takemichi. You're Tata now. I give people little nicknames." She pointed at me. "You're Koko." Then her finger moved to Yuta. "You're Yuyu." And she pointed at Taichi. "And you're Chichi." She looked back at Takemichi. "So you're Tata."

"Yeah, well fuck you. I'm leaving." He tried to leave again, but Hiroko just grabbed the back of his collar again.

"I told you to wait." She said. "Listen, if you're going to the entrance hall, that's not gonna work. Kiki, Shishi and I tried but it didn't budge. There's also a gun aimed at it, so I wouldn't try so long, or try to hack it. So, we're stuck here." I guess that she meant Takaaki and Kenshiro.

"Uh, guys? There's some more stuff in here." Yuta said, looking in the box.

He pulled out a bunch of keys with names written on it. I could see mine. It said 'Komaru N'. I think they have our first name and last initial. "I think they're room keys." He said. We each took the one with our names, Yuta putting Kenshiro's in his pocket, as he was still holding Cheri. He also put Cheri's in with it. Hiroko took Kameko's key, too.

"Room keys?" I asked. "What makes you say that?"

"Look at the map." He said.

Everyone pulled out their handbooks. We looked at the map. The first floor of the school was the first image shown. I saw the auditorium we were in, as well as a gym, the entrance hall which I thought was a foyer at first, two classroom and I assume one was where I woke up, a store, the AV room, a staircase to the second floor, a door to an area labeled 'playground', and a hall that went to a place called 'Despair Hotel'. There was also a room labeled with a bear head, but I wasn't sure what it was, because the key didn't say what it was.

"Go to the next page. The map of the hotel." Yuta said.

I hit an icon on the screen and the map flipped over to another image, that of another building.

The building had a dining hall, a laundry room, a kitchen, a trash room, a bathroom, a bathhouse, a sauna, a staircase to a second level, and a storage room. There was also icons of all of our faces, each on a different room.

"Guys, follow me." We all went after Yuta, leaving the auditorium.

I think we're in for quite the experience.

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