Introduction - 2005

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"Louis! LOUIS!" I yelled across the beach.

"Livvy!" Cried Louis as we ran into each others arms. "I missed you!" I cried.

Louis held me tight in his arms as the breeze made me shiver,but I didn't care. I havn't seen Louis for weeks since he was ill! Ok, maybe it was 3 days, but it felt like FOREVER! "I missed  you too LivvyBear!".

AWW! I love it when he calls be LivvyBear!! Tear time!

"Guess what?" Louis whispered with a rather big grin on his face. 

"What? Did you-" He cut me off by pulling out a glittery blue box from his jacket pocket. "For me?"

"I'm sorry I missed your 8th birthday the other day.." Louis mumbled as he opened my hand  and placed the box in its grasp.

"Louis you shou-"

"Open it!"



"Okay.." I gave in. I opened the small, cute box to find a beautiful silver neckless with a heart. 'LivvyBear' It read...

I was speechless! I looked up into his glistening blue eyes..

"I love you Livvy" he said as he took the necklace out of the box. "Turn around".

I turned as he said and held up my curly brown hair, for an 8 year old my hair is prettyyy longg!

I felt his finger tips touch my neck as he fastened the chain. I let go of my hair and turned to look into his loving eyes.

"I love you too, Louis" I whispered to him. He wrapped his arms around me and I did the same.



I stumbled through the rocks on the beach I was on just last night, why did Louis need me so urgently? I walked up to my 13 year old Best Friend Forever...but his smile. It wasn't his usual happy smile. It was a forced, sad kind of smile.

"Louis, what's wrong?" I asked as I walked into his arms. I felt a tear drop land on my head, what could of happened?

"Livvy.." His voice cracked and he held me tighter than he has ever done. "I-I'm moving".

Silence haunted me. My heart shattered into millions of pieces, a scar I'm gonna have for life. I felt like my spirit had been fully ripped out of me, no way I'm getting it back. Tears streamed down my face but the silence was unbelievable.

"I-I'm sorry LivvyBear" He whispered into my ear.

A car horn went off at the top off the beach, and I knew this was it. He hugged me tight for the last time.

"I love you Livvy, don't ever forget that"

"I won't, i love you BooBear".

The car horn went again..People are so impatient! Louis let go off me and took a step back. 

"Bye, Livvy..."

"Bye, Lou...." I trembled.

Louis slowly walked off the beach and I watched as he shakily climbed into his car. And within seconds that car was gone, off to a new place, not coming back.

I took off my necklace Louis gave me, this was me and Louis' favourite place. I want to keep the memories here, forever. I threw the treasure into the blue ocean..and it drifted away from the beach.

Just like Louis Tomlinson, my whole life, drifted away from me...


Hi guys! This is my very first fanfic & got more chapters to come as well as the characters profiles! So maybe some votes, follows or comments for more? Love you guys lots X :)

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