Chapter 11 - Purest Heart's Secret

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Livvy's POV

I sat on the parks old bench, listening to the laughs of the children. I watched a couple from the corner of my eye who seemed to be over 70. The old man was offering a beautiful necklace to the old lady, the shape reflected into my eyes. A heart. Just like what Louis gave me. I grabbed my handbag and pulled out my pair of binoculars. I have had them since reception and I have never found the courage to let go of them. I used to love watching the birds fly by and the delicate leafs dance in the autumn air. I'd used to always wear a soft, fluffy white scarf with a matching beanie. All of this, with Louis. I remember when he would steal my nature book and run away with it. We would always sneak up on little rabbits and squirrels and take pictures for our scrap book. There was a local cafe back then. It's gone now. It used to sit on the edge of the park, only a few costumers inside. We always went there for a snack, we would sit at the far corner and enjoy each others company. 

My mum said the first time I had met Louis, I was 2 and he was slightly older. Our parents used to be best friends. That all changed. They took it too far in an argument that made this all happen with me and Louis. When he would be picked up from school, his mum would give me a dirty glare before speeding away. The same glare she probably gave me when Louis drove away. When I thought my life was gone. I never thought I would regain myself. All that power I had in me shattered without Louis. A few weeks went by and I finally had the strength to go outside of the house, mainly because my mum had forced me because it was school the next day. I strolled over to the park and I felt as if Louis was with me. At that very moment. 

I pulled myself back out of my thoughts and looked for the old women. She was sat happily talking to her love, the necklace around her crinkly neck. I zoomed in my binoculars and noticed writing on the necklace. 


What? I looked again. LivvyBear. I looked again but still the same words. How is that possible? I pulled the ruff necklace from under my shirt. They are identical. Then I noticed one small detail. I turned over the heart to see and small heart shape hole in the back of the necklace. I looked back over at the old woman and the blue gem shined. Where was mine? I don't have a gem. Nor have I ever had a gem with it. Without thinking I collected my binoculars and placed them in my handbag before I stood up to walk over to the couple.

"Hello sir and madam" I said politely to the couple. Their eyes met mine and they gave a loving smile, I returned one. "I'm sorry for bothering you, but I happened to notice your necklace, miss."

"Ah, hello dear. And yes, It is one of a kind. Why do you ask?" She happily said, her eyes shining as bright as the gem, blue.

"Well you see..." I took my necklace off and showed it to her. "I have the same, except I don't have a gem in the back. I don't know why though."

"My, isn't that good." She laughed and I was confused to why she said it was good. "You see dear, this necklace is a pure sign of true love. Only a boy with an unstoppable heart towards you would be able to get one of these. Usually the boy would need a talk to realize it is true love, as if the future is already told. Did you get given this when you were young at a sad moment in time."

I nodded.

"It means he will be back. and I can see by the sparkle in your eyes that he is, am I correct?" I once again nodded. Could tis be all true. "When I got the necklase from Jerry, here, it had no gem either. The gem will come soon, and that will mean forever. You will be happy together forever. There maybe some bumps on the journey but....your love will never break."

I was finding this all too hard to take in, Louis loves me? Does he still love me? This was all too much and so hard to understand.

"Livvy!" I heard someone call behind me. Louis. I turned to see Louis running my way. "You okay?" I nodded. No words could come out of me at this moment. 

"Is the boy who gave you the necklace, er, Livvy is it?"

"Yes, this is Louis." I said introducing her to Lou. 

"Your doing the right thing boy. Protect her." She winked and Louis blushed, slightly confused. Then he noticed the necklaces. "Only 3 of these are real you know. Two are made for good love, looks like we have them." She chuckled sweetly. "The third though, is mainly power. Bad things come with that one. The gem is red for that one, as a mark of evil. It can do dangerous things in it's presence. It was said that it is held by a strange man, with a criminal record of murder. Jealousy murder. He murdered 13 people for one girl, though she ended up being killed. He had to much power. She left the necklace in her pocket which the man took. It used to be the same as these two, before he realized who had gave it her. Her true love was a different man, not him. He took out the gem and smashed it. Leaving it in 3 pieces. The pieces lost their ocean blue and formed bloody wine red. Two of the three pieces are missing, while the other one is in the necklace. The necklace is pure bad now. Something remarkable is meant to happen once these pieces are joined, something only the most purest pair of souls can afford. Not only true love is the winners prize they say..."

I stared ahead dumbfounded at what she had said. "Jerry and I couldn't find the necklace, we must of not been the pair that have the purest souls I guess. But you my dears, are..." She added and my world stopped.

Us? Were true lovers? We have to go and get the necklace, I mean it sounds fun and all but I don't know what to do or anything basically!? The old couple stood up from the bench.

"Goodbye, dears. Do us proud" And with that she left with Jerry. Louis stared at me with an emotionless face. And then he spoke up...

"Let's get in the car.." I nodded.


There ya go! I really enjoyed writing this chapter. A bit confused? You should be. And thank you all so much for the over 325 reads! Please remember to vote and comment guys. Also message me! I'll help with anything. I think. Thanks guys, love you all!


Without You (1D Fanfic)//EDITINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora