TF Story Pokemon Hypnosis

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TF Story Pokemon Hypnosis

by Wolf-Prince-Leon, Feb 8, 2012, 8:10:45 PMLiterature / Prose / Fiction / General Fiction / Short Stories

Kieiru was a unique boy, even at age 11, he was known for meeting unusual Pokémon on his Pokémon Journey. First he met Houndoom that almost made him its dinner. Next, he met an Articuno when he was lost in the mountains, it took him to its nest to rest, but he woke up at the Pokémon Center at the mountain base. Finally, he met a certain super Powerful Pokémon. But he was due for one final unusual Pokémon encounter.

An Arcanine prowled through the brush and branches of some trees: Growling softly to himself, grinning every once in a while, and glancing left and right, searching for something in particular. Hopping onto a little trail her found, he began to follow it, and cocked his head to the side, sensing someone was close by.

Kieiru was on his way to Celadon City, after his rival, Rex Reverse, stole and Destroyed his badges the previous year, it was back to square for Kieiru. He had already got the Boulder, Cascade, and Thunder badges, and is on his way to get the Rainbow Badge. Arcanine sat down on the path, grinning slightly as his tail wagged from side to side. He could use a new member of his family, even if it was a trainer.

When Kieiru saw the Arcanine ahead of him, his eyes lit up. He wanted to catch it, bond with it and train it for his journey. He then called out his Partner Pokémon, Blastoise. Arcanine growled, shifting and rearing back slightly, before bouncing off around Blastoise, and sitting down in front of Kieiru, showing no signs that he wanted to battle. Kieiru didn't expect the Arcanine to do that, "Please don't tell me this is another unusual Pokémon"

Arcanine cocked his head to the side, eyeing his softly: Waiting for the Blastoise to be returned before attempting anything else. Kieiru returns Blastoise to its Pokéball, "ok, so do you need my help, big guy" Kieiru said. Arcanine grinned, opening his eyes wide: Looking at him. A strange feeling started to wash over Kieiru as their eyes locked.
Kieiru suddenly felt unable to move or resist whatever Arcanine was doing to him.

Chuckling, or seemed too, Arcanine moved forward, leaning up and nipping at his shirt, pulling him down to all fours: Right as his shoes started to tighten, and rip. Kieiru, for some reason, slips himself out of his clothes. Stripping naked, he noticed his feet lengthening and bulging behind him, growing longer as his weight settled on his toes.

Kieiru sat on his rear and watched his Transformation progress. His toes bulged and fused, growing into four: Claws growing from the tips, and fur starting to grow over his feet as they doubled in length: Moving up his legs. Kieiru seemed childish and not himself, "Papa, can Blastoise come out and be part of our circle?"

"I think it is best we let him go...." HE stated, smiling softly. "We don't want any trouble...." Behind him, his tail began to form and grow, fur still travelling up his body. Kieiru was confused, "but, Blastoise is a kind soul, is you explain things to him, he'll understand, he'll even become our body guard. He shook his head. "But I want to spend some alone time with you....." He said. His tail finished forming, and still, fur travelled upwards, his hands tingling.

"Can i at least keep him as a Partner in his Pokéball, papa?" Kieiru asked. Meanwhile, his hands lengthened and stretched: Fingers bulging and growing claws: His hands reforming into paws. He sighs. "I guess so....." He stated, shifting to stand up: As his transformation started to draw to a close: His neck thickening.

Kieiru then grabs his Pokéball belt and puts it on as a belt. "How is this papa?" Kieiru Asked "Looks good...." He smiled. With a final series of cricks, his face pushed out into a muzzle: Nose running upwards and growing black, fur covering the rest of his body.

Kieiru then looked at his new Growlithe body and Barks in joy, "so Papa weren't we going to Celadon City?" Kieiru asked "We were indeed...." He grinned, and turned, gesturing for his new son to follow, and they went off to the city together.

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