Harmonious, but not safe

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Harmonious, but not safe

by BoredAsAnythingSide, Jun 19, 2010, 4:53:35 PMLiterature / Prose / Fiction / General Fiction / Short Stories

The forest sung out in Harmony, at one with nature. Birds trilled, bugs chirped, and umm...carnivores chewed merrily. But something was wrong in this picture of bliss. Namely, the furious swearing and snapping of twigs coming from a small point in the large mass of green.
"Fucking trees! Fucking plants! Go the fuck away!"
Misty charged quite determinedly through the harmless branches in a furor. She had been lost for around two hours now, and was completely separated from all civilization. She had originally come to catch a Pokémon that was, annoyingly, only found in this particular forest. On this continent, anyway. Oh no, she could have forked out the 10 bucks for the ferry to Hoenn, where there were shitloads of the bloody things, but NO. 10 bucks was too much. It would take long. May as well do it here, in this massive, untouched, uninhabitable forest on the edge of the Kanto region.
Yes, that was a GREAT idea.
This Seviper better be worth it.


In the forest, a vine moved. It slid slowly to the ground, and raised its ugly head and yawned. Around it, frightened little Rattata fled, suddenly aware of the horrible fate they may of just barely missed suffering. The Seviper, its brilliant colours flaring in the sunlight, flicked its tongue, tasting the clean air of the forest. Something ad woken it from its slumber. A crashing and disturbing sound. That sound must end. Now.


Misty couldn't believe it. After two, maybe three hours of being lost, she had actually found what she had come for. A Seviper! A real Seviper! God, look at it! It's beautiful. This was totally worth it!
Misty crawled around the clearing where the Seviper at chosen to lie. At this range, Misty fully became aware of the size of the creature. It was huge! A true giant among snakes. Now to catch it.


The Seviper flipped its tongue, and tasted the excitement in the air. The stupid prey was hiding clumsily behind a bush. The prey had walked into a trap as easy as any of Seviper's usual food.
Now it can begin.


Misty slunk towards the creature. It seemed to be smelling for something. Was it for her? Misty steeled herself, and prepared to leap. She knew that Sevipers would avoid battles whenever it could, so she had to make sure her Pokémon was out before it could run. She took out a pokeball and leapt out of the bushes.
"Starmie g-"
Misty stopped for two reasons. One, the ball had been knocked clean out of the air by a speedy Seviper tale. And two, because she had just been whacked across the face by that exact same tale. Misty fell to the ground, and instantly felt the poison numb her face. In seconds, she was asleep.


A blurry mess of greens and browns slowly become a tree top as Misty's eyes slowly opened. She was aware, groggily, that the Seviper and been expecting her. In a dazed manner, Misty tried to stand. Not the most wise of ideas considering she was at the top of a tree, delicately poised on some thick branches. Her foot slipped, and she began her descent to almost certain death. Screaming, she closed her eyes...

And felt a quick and soft landing. Amazingly, she wasn't dead. Misty stopped and paused to shiver. She had nearly di-No, it hurt to think about it. Where was she? Misty opened her eyes, only to be greeted by the beautiful and deadly slight that was Seviper. Misty had landed smack into its coils and the angered snake hissed threateningly at her. Misty screamed, and tried to crawl out. Quick as a shot, the coils tightened, and Misty momentarily struggled for breath. She was caught. This was it. She was dead. No! She still had her pokeballs! Misty reached around, only for a tale to bat her hand away. Frantically, she tried again, but the tail reacted in the same way, this time pushing her arm against her body, to be quickly wrapped by yet another coil. Misty began to cry as the tail reached up and maneuvered her head towards the snake's maw. The pressure was intense, and Misty chest was being pushed from her body. Then she felt it. A powerful, strong pressure slamming into her face. Yet it wasn't a physical thing. Misty turned, and looked into the Seviper's glare. It eyes seemed to go on forever and ever. This wasn't right. She had seen Glare in use before; it didn't look like th-

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