Its Win Win. Machop TF/AR plus De-TF

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Its Win Win. Machop TF/AR plus De-TF

by Wolf-Prince-Leon, Jan 17, 2014, 6:33:30 PMLiterature / Prose / Fiction / General Fiction / Short Stories

It's Win Win. Machop TF/AR + De-TF

Vermillion City, a nice place. Not among the top ten in the Pokemon World, but it was a nice place altogether. People and Pokemon alike were rather nice. In fact, the local orphanage was never too full because people either arranged adoptions or adopted kids themselves.

Among some of the newer orphans was a boy named Tommy. His parents had moved on to a better after place after an accident at sea claimed their life. He and his Tepig partner had lived inside the orphanage for only a couple of days and they were still trying to get to know everyone and get used to the new lifestyle they were living in.

Though, the way things were in this city, they'd be in a new home and family before the end of the week, one way or another.

It was a normal morning, everyone was out doing their normal thing. Tommy looked out his window at all the people, children and Pokemon outside. Tommy sighed, and he looked at Tepig. "I wish I could be out with a family. Everyone else is always getting adopted, why not me?"

"Pig Pig!" Tepig said, lifting up his chin.

"You're right, chin up. We will get a new home and family, even if its not right away."


Just then, there was a knock on the door. "Tommy? You in there?"

"Yes, I'm here..." Tommy said.

The door opens, and one of the Caretakers, Archimedes, aka Archie, came in. "You doing okay, little one?"

"Yeah. I'm doing okay Archie."

"Is Tepig doing okay too?"

Tepig nodded. "Pig!"

"Good to hear, I came to warn you, if you go into the forest today, be extra careful. It was reported that a kidnapper is on the loose."


"Yeah, he just escaped prison yesterday. So careful if you play in the forest."

"We'll keep an eye out."

Archie smiled before leaving the room.

Tommy looked at Tepig. "Well, we'll have to be careful tomorrow. With this kidnapper, we can't take any chances."

Tepig nodded in agreeance.

"Anyway, let's get some breakfast first, Tepig. I wonder what Archie cooked for us today?"


The two head downstairs to eat.

One of Archie's Pokemon, Pidgeotto, was setting the table for breakfast. "Geot!" it said, upon finishing the task.

"Thanks Pidgeotto." Tommy said as he sat at the table.

Pidgeotto smiled, as another of Archie's Pokemon, Haunter snuck up behind Tommy's chair. He swooped in and grabbed Tommy, holding him down in the chair.

"Haunter? What are you doing? I'm trying to eat."

"Haunt?" Haunter let Tommy go, surprised the boy wasn't scared.

"That was a nice try Haunter, but I'm on to your tricks now."

"...Haunt..." Haunter was a little disappointed to hear that.

"But, your tricks are still funny to see."

"Haunt Haunter!" Haunter perked up and gave Tommy a hug.

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