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I looked through the small peep of the barricaded window,a horde of flesh -eating creepers crowded over a scared girl,her knees on her head.

I would like to help her but that's the thing,the girl outside is so helpless.She doesn't have weapon and the horde had already surrounded her,and if I would save her,I'd pretty much die.Couldn't risk your life for a helpless girl,she would die anyway.A voice on the back of my mind said.

I'm a girl too but she's definitely not like me,she's  vurnerable and so...frightened that she wouldn't even fight back.But she's been my bestest friend.That was just 2 days ago,and the guilt was eating me everyday.
I just watched at the window,watching her as the horde slowly teared her intestines,her body and I still remember her face was unforgettable, I could see the fear and her life fading before my eyes and I just sat frozen as ice, witnessing her turning as one of those creeps.

But,I just miss my family,my mom's freshly baked chocolate chip cookies,my dad's guitar lessons for me and my brother,my brother's  ridiculous pranks.

But I just left them there but they told me to run but I stood frozen watching the creepers tear them so slowly that it carved itself in my mind as they said their bitter sweet goodbyes same with their deafening screams.

The movies lied too,they weren't shuffling and moaning as I expected them to do on the first place,I heard them talking and they ran fast,they are strong enough that they could even break a glass window or doors.If the moaning and groaning in the movies were worse then their screams like,"It won't hurt too bad." "Just one bite." is much worse,like a siren call.That makes me insane as they bang through the barricaded doors.They can smell me,they can smell human flesh so they crowded over my house,I can't get out.

Of course,I was frightened and would do everything to save myself,so I never saved anyone else,even my family.There is not enough food and weapons for me,so yesterday,I tried eating creepers,even though their rotting flesh looks badly damaged but meh,as long as I live and it's pretty delicious,it tastes roasted chicken like what we eat on holidays.

And if you're wondering why I call them creepers well,Minecraft pretty much messed me up.

The creepers flesh is a little bit of nutritious if you ask me.And I never wasted a bite because I "work" hard for it.I open the door for one of them once a day to this house and ya,the next step is kill it.But earlier,the creeper that I thought was dead ran towards me.

And that explains this bite mark on my neck.


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