"You Don't Belong Here"

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I was new to this city here in London since I was used to the normal Canada surroundings.And I just moved here yesterday so I need a little bit of exploring.I went here because I want to go to London so bad when I was a kid.

I rented a bike and I pedalled all the way from my apartment towards the most peaceful part of the city and a decent mall on the corner caught my eye,and it seemed many people went there.

An young teenager about my age stood by me looking on the same mall.

"If you're planning to go there,then don't go.My friends lured me to go to that mall but I refused to and then they just left me and went inside.I never saw them come out.I'm not crazy.But if you do,come out quick." She said and threw a pebble on the mall and ran away.

I'm now battling against dont go and go.And who knows that teenager was batshit crazy?And I have the spirit and I'm brave enough to go in and besides,it's worth a shot and I saw many people go in.So I'm not alone.

I parked my bike and went inside the mall.It's not as creepy as I thought it would be,the mall is full of people shopping and talking noisily,just as a normal mall contained.
                  Just Normal

I looked up and it's very suspicious that the mall just had 2 levels.And more suspiciously,the mall had no maps like other malls I went into.

I saw a mall assistant and I approached her.

"Hello,where is the food court at?"I asked her but she's like,brainwashed.
She didn't notice me and ignored me as if I hadn't said a thing.Huh?I thought mall assistants are supposed to guide people?Something's definitely wrong.

I saw a little girl and she approached me and she looked confused then ran away with her creepy little teddy bear.

Then I saw another little girl that looked like the other one that looked at me earlier.Maybe her twin.Then I looked around and looks like many people started to notice me .

Then it clicked into me,they all looked the same and looks like they have many clones.So whhen I checked the elevator,it was full of little girls,all looking the same.And the more I noticed they are the same,the more they noticed me.

I looked at the people on the mall and they looked at me with the blank expression they had plastered on their faces.Then I noticed them changing,their clone "human skin".
They changed into pale,disfigured
monsters.I backed away,ever so slowly,like those dramatic scenes where you found out something was terribly wrong,my back suddenly touched a cold,small body.I turned around and faced one of the disfigured monsters.I let out a shriek and goosebumps scattered over my body.Its suffocating smell almost chocked me.Before I could even run away,it held my arm so tight so I can't go away.I expected it to kill me,devour me,but instead it said something that made me freeze,with its cracky,
whisper voice,"You don't belong here."Then it let go of my arm being red like ig was tied with ropes.

I ran,and ran,and ran,even if I was tired,I never stopped running,hence looking back.I exited the mall and scampered towards my bike and pedalled so hard,I could've fell of and scraped my knee,but I was so scared that I focused and tried hard not to stumble on a rock or anything and when I reached the part of the city,far from the mall,I stopped and breathed heavily but I can't properly breath because I panted like there was no tomorrow.

I booked a flight backed to Canada and left immediately after.I never went back to London again and never would.

  Hai guise!!!Great read?Well,I'll be updating more since I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!And guess what?My baby sis is about to be 1 Month!!PartyParty!!!Anywho,I'M GONNA PLAN FOR MORE STORIES AND SO YOU KNOW,THESE PAST STORIES ARE MINE INCLUDING THIS AND VOTE AND COMMENT!PRETTY NIGHTMARES!!!

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