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My mother started to post this to-do list on thes kitchen and somehow,
it helps a little reminding mom and dad what to do.

It was my old writing buddy when I was 5 or so,and my mom found it in the attic when we were cleaning,squished on other old stuff in a box.The white slippery board is still on mint condition along with the wiper and washable pen.

It was great until something bothered me and my brother,Roy with it.We inspected it and saw creepy stuff like,

Remove Tyler's legos on his room so I can easily watch him,my feet got really sore with those flippy things.

Turn of Darwin's nighlight so he can't see me sneaking in his room,better safe than sorry.I hope he doesn't see me snooping around his room.

Yeah,like that,I thought it's Tyler joking around with moms board so
I erased it and listed buy Darwin cereals,buy Tyler more legos,that stuff like that so he wouldn't be on trouble.

Then,this kept on happening until one day,mom scold me for using a permanent marker on her board which I didn't do.She accused me of that and dad was on her side,I swear,I didn't did that!By that time,I was mad at Tyler because I thought that he did it.

I barged into his room and putted my bad blood face on.

"Darwin,be quiet!I'm focusing on building a lego tower here!"He whisper yelled and continued on focusing on his "tower" which actually looked like a broken down house.

I continued to babble and fight with him until he threw a thick history book on me and it hit me on my arm.
It hurts like hell and crap,it's forming a bruise because of the impact.I almost called mom and dad but nah,I'm a man and I can ignore him myself.

After a few hours of ignoring each other,we finally forgave each other.
The board is starting to get more and more creepy until Me and Tyler burned it on the fireplace and threw the ashes on a 30 minute drive lake.

Everything was good until mom planned to buy one,again.

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