The Collectors

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  Blue has a very odd hobby.He wakes up at Ten 'o clock at the night and goes out to the backyard to catch some moths and other insects and kill it to place it on his "moth and insects"
collection.He was just a 12-year old afterall,a normal thing to do.

One day,he did it,he caught the rarest moth.Some townfolks say it has a curse and whoever kills it,would die.
He chuckled,he knew that was just a
saying that old people scattered to make believe,but he was a little bit
superstitious to,everyone in his family is superstious.So he believed.

He locked the moth in a glass jar and kept it in his room.He's still thinking,
would he kill the beautiful moth and
place it into his collection frame or just let it be.Whilst thinking,he fell asleep almost immeadiately.
Blue woke up,seeing the moth had died,it's suffocated in the glass,the limp body of it sticked on the glass.
Poor thing,because of that,Blue felt
Blue woke up,all sweaty and almost looked like he had the worst,worst
nightmare anyone could've have.He was sickly pale,his blue eyes almost as wide as an egg if that's possible.It's his usual time,10 'o clock and no crickets
are chirping,it was a silent night.

Blue went out to catch some moths,he dreaded to find one again,not today he thought.His wish wasn't granted
and caught another one then another, until a horde of those butterfly look-alike was chasing him to the forest,
right where their "human collection"
is placed.

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