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It was a normal Friday night and my friend,Bradley and I were chatting late night on this virtual chat room we found online.He told me about the people he talked to and how fun it was.Then I knew that Bradley took a liking on one girl in particular.I was about to type a message when my mom called out to me to sleep.When I was about to log off,I asked him what would he do tomorrow.

"Bradley is typing a message..."

Then it went blank

"Bradley is typing a message..."

Nothing again

"Whatever man,I'm going to bed,we'll talk about it tomorrow."Then I logged off and went to sleep.
The next night,when I logged on my account,I saw Bradley was online and he apologised that he didn't answer my message last night and said he was preparing his surprise for me.It was odd since I knew that he always put his family first before anything.It's
now 10:00
Then a loud beeping noise from my phone almost got me tumble down my bed.I picked it up quickly and found out it was Bradleys parents.

A loud scream from Bradley's mother
almost deafened me and I heard heavy breathing from my phone.
"Hello,Mr. and Ms.Derp?"I asked knitting my eyebrows not because of anger but because of frustration.

"Bradley's dead!Get out ofcdyour house NOW!!"I found out that Bradley was hung on his closet like a coat.The call ended and I curled up in a ball.I heard footsteps quietly approach my room.I hid under the bed with my phone and covered my mouth from screaming.My bedroom door opened with a creak and my eyes widened to see Bradley's favourite blue shoes
tiptoeing itself on the floorboards.I see the shoes walking ever so slowly that scared me the most.As I couldn't even more scared,my phone made a loud beep notifying me that I had a message.I opened the message box shakily and saw something that made a tears drop from my eyes,"Where are you?"Then the shoes stopped abruptly from their tracks.

Heya!!!This is not an original!I repeat,THIS IS NOT AN ORIGINAL!!
Enough with the caps lock..It's not an original but I changed some bits okay?And my grandmother is sooooo dramatic now and it annoys me...

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