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"Karma is fast but it'll be faster if you do it yourself."

Alaiza was waiting impatiently for her shampoo and she was angry because who would want a slow hair stylist?She grunted and repeatedly massaged her forehead in anger.She's been waiting for hours now but you can't blame Bree for that because we all know that it's hard to create a good shampoo right?

"Fine,bring it tomorrow quickly or I'll
find another stylist."Alaiza said and
stomped off the lab furiously.
Stupid brat! Bree muttered and quickly thinked of plan B since the shampoo she was currently working
on spilled all over the white tiled floor,and nothing remained,just a tiny drop.

She was tired of today's work and fell asleep on her couch.Morning came like a breeze and Alaizza came in her office to see Bree sleeping loudly on her couch snoring every now and then.

"Bree!You're fired!"Alaiza said furiously.Bree woke up because of her screaming and went to her knees,kneeling for Alaiza to bring her back.But no avail,Alaiza refused and went out the door,and Bree was mad.

She was thinking of a payback,and she laughed madly at how karma works fast so she rubbed her hands together and a insane grin appeared on her face.She made the shampoo mixture over again but this time,she added a bottle of green sticky substance and she smiled,Freedom she thought and putted it on a shampoo bottle,putted it on a box and wrapped it with a wrapping paper she bought earlier.She was prepared for this and she knew what exactly
she had to do.And of course,she knew the two trusted stylists Alaiza knew,Dr.Romanno.

She laughed madly and putted it on Alaiza's mailbox.

She will regret what she did and with that,she creeped away and laughed madly.

Alaiza went to check her mail the next day and saw a box,with a sticky note written in messy handwriting  saying,

Alaiza,I suggest that you use this shampoo minimally for the best results.        Dr.Romanno De Vincci

But he sended a bottle earlier.Alaiza thought but she also thought that maybe he replaced the shampoo earlier.

She just finished showering and she used the newly sended shampoo to try it out then she went to bed.

When she woke up,she felt something red and liquid is wetting her head and her bed.She stood up to she her blood!
She screamed when she saw her reflection,her hair is gone and all bloody.

She was rushed to the hospital but she didn't make it.

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