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I don't know why,but I love chewing
ice.The sound of it crackling on my mouth and feeling the cold bits melting to liquid on my mouth made
me felt so alive.

I was studying for our finals on our
room when I heard a loud crash from
the kitchen.Gosh,Jessica was always
clumsy,I think she bumped into
something again.

"Jessica!Are you alright?"I shouted
worried that maybe Jessica was hurt.

"No,I'm fine,I'm cleaning it now."She said while I heard some sweeping

"Where is the garbage?"She said heading up our room and searched for the garbage.

"I dunno,I only saw the plastic outside."I said shrugging my shoulderblades.

"Okay"She said then headed out the room.

Then,my mouth felt dry and I think I
need to eat ice to cool it off.

I headed down the kitchen and searched for my favorite cup.It wasn't there so I just grabbed the new black cup that we never use.It has a cap so
I can't see inside.I shaked it and heard the sound ice made when you shake it repeatedly.

I opened the cap and chewed the ice
and it wasn't like the ice I chew and
gulp,it was harder and it is not cold.
I gulped it and it felt stuck on my throat,after a few gulps,it succesfully
slided down my throat.

But harsh reality struck me.

We ran out of ice yesterday.So what was I chewing?

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