Tap On Your Shoulder

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   Ralph boasted to everyone that he isn't afraid of anything.As long as they're alive.Everyone also knew that
Ralph was afraid of paranormal beings,that was a turn off for girls who like him.

When he was driving on a deserted road,to help him have atleast a clump of courage.His car broke down.Bad luck.

Abandoned Church.Cemetery.The Dead.

Those words described the surroundings infront of him.He was
scared,and alone.He thought that he could sleep on the church JUST FOR THE NIGHT.

He walked towards the church,broken holy statues,flipped over chairs,crumpled cross,everything was a disaster inside the church like a war happened there.It looks like it's made on the 70's because of the old black and white pictures clustered on the wall.

He took a closer look on it and saw that someone already slept in there.
A hairless 'thing' layed fetal position on the floor.God,he almost screamed in fright,he really needs to be manly.

He almost tripped on a rock because of running too fast.He stopped for a while,coughing tremendously and gasping for air.

Something cold and clammy touched
me on my shoulder blades and grasped him.

"Why are you running?I'm not starting yet.You are my next lunch so
thank you for the dinner."

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