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Serene's POV:
Dad, I hope that you will accept me for me not what I am supposed to be but what am I, and I don't want to make this super long so I am just going to say it , I am bisexual. I love both men and women.
I told my dad this and he accepted me, so did most of my friends. I mean it was easier than I thought it would be but some people still didn't accept me. People I dated or even just met thought that I was a slut because I liked both men and women.
I thought that this was one of the last hard things I would have deal with before the year was over but it wasn't. My mom had died while I was born. So my dad has raised me. So we were really close. As well His parents, my grandparents died before I was born.
I was at home, waiting for my dad to get home from work and he never showed up. I waited and called him, but he didn't answer. I didn't think too much of it at the time because this happened often. I waited until midnight then I went to bed. The next morning I got up and ready and left , he still wasn't home. He was rarely home when I got there. I normally left for school after he left for work. Then when I was in home room, my teacher got a call from the office and was told to take me down there. I walked to the office and my Aunt Stacey was there. I was really close with my aunt Stacey as she was my dads only sibling and we didn't know much about my moms family as they kind of disowned her when she married my father they didn't even come to the service. Also my aunt Stacey had no kids of her own because she was a party animal who didn't want to settle down. So she spoiled me with girls night outs and sleepovers. There was also a woman in a dress. Before I came in Stacey was talking to the woman. The principal said Serene and Stacey please come and sit down in my office. We did as we were told. He told us how they had found my father unconscious this morning from a car accident right now he was in a coma at the nearby hospital. The principal said he would dismiss from school for the week so I could visit my dad and get my affairs in order. My aunt and I drove over to the hospital each of us in tears at the news.
    When we got to the hospital, the nurse told us that we could see him but we should probably say our goodbyes because we might not see him again. I said good bye as I cried on my aunts shoulder. When we left the nurse told me my aunt that my dad had died as his heart stopped beating a minute or two after we left the room. I cried even more. Then we went to my house and my dads lawyer was there too.  He gave me pity. Then I noticed that other people where as well including my dads friends. His lawyer  read through my dads will:
If you are reading this that means that something has happened and I am sorry for all you and want to make it clear to all of you that I appreciate each one of you. 
Now on to my assets, my most precious asset is my daughter Serene Olivia Stone, will be sent to live with the Josie and Tim Davis and the family. She shall have two days to pack then she will move in with them, during this time Stacey and serene will live in my house. I love serene, I am having you live with Davis family so you will have a stable home in a nice neighborhood while you are in high school . You will be enrolled in Atcher high school. I am sorry Stacey I still love you.
My next asset, the house. The house will be sold and all of the money from the sale will go into a savings account for Serene for college and the rest of her life. My wine collection will be given to Stacey. All of clothes will be given to Tim Davis.
My last asset my money, 10% of my money will go to the Davis family for raising my daughter. Another 10% will go to Stacey. The rest will go into the savings account for Serene. I love and thank you all for coming to this and stay strong.
I can't believe he is actually gone. Within minutes of the reading being over everyone had left. Annoyed that they didn't get anything. There was this woman who was crying a lot. The same one from before. Almost as much as I was.
Tyler's POV:
      "Tyler you can have friends over but make sure you watch Thomas while we are at the funeral."
     I am just a normal popular teenage boy. I am 15 and a sophomore at Atcher high school. My parents told me when I came home from school that they had to go to a funeral for a friend of theirs  and would be back in a little while.
    My friend James came over and we played video games and with snapchat filters all night.
    My parents came home with news. They said" Tyler our friend has a daughter who is your same age and since her mother had died when she was born and she has no stable living relatives, she is going to be living in the room next to you. Thomas I know you were listening so I don't need to tell you. Be nice boys her only living relative other than her aunt just died. "
   Are we a charity house now, just taking any kids who have been orphaned? Or just because some friend of yours wrote it in his will doesn't mean you have to do it, he will never know he is dead and now he is affecting my life.

Family treeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora