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Serene's POV:

I was walking on the Santa Cruz boardwalk, my dad always used to take me there. He was there holding my hand? What? Isn't he dead? We went on all my favorite rides together and when we looked at the pictures we had taken on the ride I was only 7 . Maybe this was just a memory. We even went to this bomb pizza stand. My dad hated pizza but every time we would go he would get some because he knew how much I loved it. It closed the last time I went and was replaced with another hot dog stand. How many freaking hot dog stand does an amusement park need. Then Tyler's mom showed up and was hugging my dad. She said "I miss you and love you." Why would she say that? Did she have an affair with my father? That's impossible! My dad never dated anyone, my entire life. Except Lenette, but she was his age, not 25 years younger then him, and that was a long time ago. My dad was a good man. Tyler's Mom looked like I do now.  My dad was old when I was born and she would have only been 16 when I was born. My thoughts were interuptted by the loudspeaker saying Serene wake up, SERENE WAKE UP!. I woke up to see this was all dream memory. Tyler was standing by my bed with a tray of breakfast :pancakes, orange juice, and fruit. He said as he laid the tray on my lap, I know last night was rough and if you want to tell me I am all ears but if not I will not budge. "Wow he was really nice . I ate my food but I didn't want to talk about last night I wanted to see if my memories were real and I had met his mother. He said that he had some friends waiting for him on the PS3, so he left. I went into my closet to find the boxes of pictures. I found the box from when I was 7 and sat on the my bed looking for the date when I went to Santa Cruz. I think I went for Spring Break and summer, so I had a lot of dates to try. I found one trip but she, Tyler's Mom, was no where. I went through summer. I found the trip, Dad was wearing the same shirt, it was one of his favorite shirts. I don't know why it had pineapples on it and he wore it everywhere. I looked until I found the one. We were standing right in front of the Pizza Stand. Then there was a photo of just me and Tyler's Mom. My dad was using captions on pictures decades before Instagram, Facebook, and Myspace. I read the caption of the photo and it said "My two babies" How could my dad have had an affair? Especially with some so young. Maybe it wasn't her, maybe he had an affair with someone else. That would make this whole thing a lot easier. Maybe I could go live with her. Anything would be better than living here.  I kept reading "Josie (23) Serene (7)" It was her for sure. Family friends my ass. More like dad's lover. How could they not tell me and how have I not remembered any of this until now. Maybe My Mom was her, and my mom didn't die while She was giving birth to me. That would explain why I look like her, except for the fact that my dad was like 41 when I was born and she was only 16. While I was deep in thought Tyler walked in and looked at the photo before I could take it away. He only saw the front, before I ripped it out of his hand. He started asking me a question, then the home phone rang. He ran downstairs to go get, I tucked the picture into a box of my pads, a place I knew he would never look. Tyler called me downstairs "Serene, it's Rose and Xander, they want to know if you want to go to the mall with them? " I thought why didn't they just text me if they wanted to hang out. Then I realized my phone had not been charging all night and was dead. I said" Sure, Why Not?" Tyler said" They'll be here in fifteen minutes does that work with you?" "Yeah whatever" My phone lit up and I had 2 missed calls from Rose and Xander. I had about 10 texts from them. Then I had a text from Jason, "Hey babe, sorry about last night, hope you had a good time like I did. " That perv. I need to get out of here and find a good guy or maybe even a girl. What better place than the mall with my ex-girlfriend and ex-boyfriend who both used to be my best friends and now are together. Yay! (that was sarcasm by the way)

Only 15 minutes later did I hear a honk outside the house and see from the window of my bedroom his car. I threw my phone, my wallet with the card I got from my dad's mistress or my mother maybe and her husband into a purse and ran down the stairs. As I whooshed past him, Tyler said "Have a good time. "

I said "thanks", as I ran as fast as my legs could push me. When I got into the car, Rose was sitting shot gun, which was always where I sat. I mean before me and Xander dated me and Rose fought over who got to sit shot gun calling dibs and shot gun before we even left. Then when me and Rose dated we would both sit in the back or we drive in a different car because driving with Xander is really awkward .

I always thought that Xander only liked me, but I guess he also liked Rose this entire time too. Maybe he doesn't even like her and he just wants someone to make out with or maybe he wants me to feel jealous. Last night made me realize that Xander was the best guy I ever dated and I still like him. Seeing him and rose last night made me feel so jealous. That was mostly why I got in the bed with Jason. I thought I could do this but I can't. I was halfway to the car when I decided to turn back. I told them to go with out me, I needed to be by myself right now. I couldn't do this being alone while both of my exs and my ex best friends were together. I thought I had no friends except them and I did consider going with them. They left and I sat on the front porch not wanting to go inside and explain why I didn't go shopping with them to Tyler. I called my aunt and asked her if she could take me to the mall near her, her mall was a bit farther away but then rose and Xander wouldn't be there. And even more important I thought at least Jason doesn't work there, so I wouldn't be reminded of the mistake I made or was more forced to make. She said of course and that she'd be here as soon as possible. I waited on the porch, so that Tyler didn't see me.

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