Only One More Day

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Tyler's POV: 

After Xander dropped me, Rose, and Serene off at home, Rose ended getting picked up by her aunt and uncle. The moment Rose's aunt and uncle's car drove off, my mom said as she stood in the Kitchen with dad "Tyler and Serene will you guys come over here and sit down." We did as we were told exchanging weird glances. Why was my mom asking us to sit down? Did something awful happen? Then she broke the silence by saying "Guys summer is coming up so because Tim has been working so much we decided to take a trip just the two of us it will be 3 months long. We will be back 2 weeks before you start school next year. Thomas is going to live with your cousins and I think you guys are old enough to stay her by yourself. We also got you each credit cards so that you can buy what you need to for the 3 months we are gone. " YES! No parents for a whole three months. The parties are going to be off the charts, they are going to be the parties that are talked about when we go back to school next year (Even though we haven't started the summer yet)Then my dad said as if he knew exactly what I was thinking "You can have friends over, but please keep the house looking nice. " Then he looked right at me and said" No huge house burning down parties, a couple friends means 2 or 3 not 40 like the last time." I was about to say that the last time even wasn't that bad compared to ones I had had in the past but then they would know that when they asked me why was the pot or something else they cherished was broken? and I said no was a lie. Even though the party was over like spring break last year I am sure I would still get in trouble for it. So, I nodded saying that I would not have any parties. Then my mom said" Tomorrow to church we will take two cars. You two will drive together and Thomas will drive with us and then we will head off to the airport right after communion and Aunty Marisa and Uncle John will pick up Thomas. Then you too will stay for Youth Group until about 2 and then enjoy your summer. You good with that, guys? " We nodded our heads again and then my dad said (why can't they just tell us everything without having to switch back and forth all the time) "We are all going to go out to dinner at Fertelis because we won't be having dinner as a family for a long time, so kids go get changed. " We changed and were in the car heading out within fifteen minutes. When we got to Fertelis, we were seated within minutes and met our server only minutes after that. Which was a surprise to all of us because normally fertelis is crowded on saturday night. When we met the server she was super hot and was totally eye flirting me, but I pretended to be really intently staring at my menu. After she had taken our drink order,( which was a coke for me, Thomas, and Serene , a pina colada for my mom, and a gin and tonic for my dad. Its for odd for them to get more than a glass of wine at a meal maybe they are just really excited for their trip.)she flipped her hair. I don't know much about girls, who I am kidding. I know a lot about girls, I live with two, I've had way more than two girlfriends, and I have a lot of girl friends. (The space shows the difference between the girls who liked me and I liked back or the girls who I friend zoned ) When a girl flips her as she walks away from a boy, she shows that she either wants attention or that she likes that boy. Either way I'm cool. A couple minutes later came back with our drinks and my drink had two napkins. One was the one that is wet from the drink and the other had her number on it and said "Meet me in the Faculty only restroom right in between the men's and the women's in 5 minutes or at 5:45 and knock 3 times. " I knew what was waiting behind those doors so I waited until 5:44 and then told my parents that I had to use the bathroom and left. I did as she said and knocked 3 times on the Faculty only restroom and the door swung open. She sat on the toilet and motioned me closer. I walked as fast as could without full on running, then she pushed my face towards and our lips met. We made out after that for about 5 minutes and then I ran out. I went sat down at my table next to Serene and thought about how just yesterday we were here even though neither of us told that to the parents because they seemed so happy and that just yesterday she was doing almost the exact same thing as I was just one wall over. Our food came and oh how it was good. Then Mom, Dad, and Thomas got up to go to the Gelato bar on the other side of the restaurant. I told them to get me a cake batter with fudge, brownie bites, and sprinkles. Serene asked them to get her a cookie dough with brownie bites and fudge mixed in. Thomas normally didn't get to choose when we came her so we knew it was going to take him a long time to decide. When they left, the phones came out. I typed the waitress's number into my phone and started texting her and I assume that Serene was either texting Rose or that dude we met at the mall today. We ate our ice cream, after Mr. NoRushInTheWorld decided what flavor he wanted. Then we drove home and "went to bed" Thats what my parents think but really I texted the waitress and watched Netflix. I woke up the next morning and thought only a couple more hours until freedom for three months. 

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