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Serene's POV:
    Tonight is the date and I still have no way to make Rowan. Any of my guy friends are like" you shouldn't lie about who you are." Well that doesn't help me with this. I called rose because she always knows what to do. I was all alone, Tyler and Thomas went to school I start on Monday. Josie and Tim were at work. That way I had peace and solitude to deal with my lie, or really my aunts. I called Rose during her lunch. "Babe I love you." She replied " I love you too babe what's wrong?" "My aunt kind of ruined out date" " what how?" " well when you called me she made it seem that I had a boyfriend named Rowan because the people I live with are very Christian and against gays and lesbians. They want this Rowan to come over before the date so they can meet him and are sending their son who is our age on the date. Then he saw you send me the text and thinks you are his date. And I think we should go to the coffee shop another time what about Fertelis the Italian restaurant we love ." " oh my god" " do you have any idea who would be willing to pretend to be my boyfriend rowan." " I know one guy" " who?" " Xander" " not Xander" " call him" " ok I love you babe sorry" " I love you to sweetie cake it's not your fault" I call Xander it is also his lunch. " hey Xander." "Hey serene." " Xander can ask you a favor" " depends what it is" "ok so would you pretend to be my boyfriend " "you remember ur was you who broke up with me" " yeah I just want you to pretend for the people I am living with." " what about your girlfriend" " rose?" " yeah why can't she" " what does it matter will you" " yes" " thank you" " under the circumstances that you kiss me in front of the people you live with and you treat this like a real date and any back story we use will be our real from when we were dating." " ok and we will meet at my house tonight I will text you the address." " see you tonight serene" " bye Xander" I called rose back " babe he said yes" " I knew he would" "it's just so bad because me and him used to be friends and now he hates me" " he doesn't hate you" " yes he does" " if he did why would he help you out? He doesn't hate you he loves you and hates that you don't feel the same way about him that he feels about you." " how do you know this much?" "Did you forget that he was my best friend?""right sorry sweetie" " no need I don't know how I was best friends with that asshole." I love her! " lunch is over I have to get to class." "Bye see you tonight." A few hours later I heard a car engine pull up into the driveway. I check my phone it is 3:20. It is Tyler. I text Mrs. Davis saying I need a dress for tonight could I go shopping with a friend. She said "yes and Tyler could drive he needs an outfit for tonight."  I texted Rose because I needed girl time. She was available. I ran down stairs and after grabbing my credit card, that the Davises gave me so I could buy things I needed, we left. We drove to the mall where rose met us. Rose and I went to Starbucks to get lattes to day is going to need coffee. We talked as we tried on clothes in Macy's. We started talking about tonight and Rose said" sweetie I know this might not be my business,but sweetie you keep lying to impress these people and they are not even your family. Don't you have some family you could go live with or some other friend you could live with." "Sweetie I know I don't know why my dad even had me live with these people. I was reading my dads will yesterday and it says that if I find a family member to live with I can live without the Davis's but my dads family is all gone minus my aunt but my mom might have some family I could live with but they left her." "You look hot in the dress baby and we could do some ancestry searching for you." "Let's do it tommorow we have enough tonight and let's check out I am getting this." "You do look smoking hot in that and I am getting this, then we will need to find our ride and my "date"." "Thank you so much babe for being so supportive." "Don't worry babe I understand how hard it is to come out to people who are unsupportive of your choices. And I also understand the things that you do to make them support you even if it isn't your actual choice." As we walked out of the dressing room and into the store to buy our dresses, I told Rose "I love you sweetie, you are the best girlfriend anyone could ask for." She responded with "I know this sounds like I don't care but I do dido." We then made eye contact and ran into the dressing room to go make out. We made out and oh was it great I had really missed this since my dad died. He was, it's so hard to say was because he should still be here, so supportive that he let her come over for dinner and let us make out and whatever. Now these people aren't so it makes miss these little moments. We came out of the dressing room and paid for our dresses. I checked my phone and I had 10 text messages and missed calls from Tyler. OH NO! It was 4:10 we were supposed to meet him 30 minutes ago down at the Starbucks where we left. As we walked out of Macy's though there he was. 

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