What the h***?

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Serena's POV:
What the h***? My aunt ruined my plan of being thought of lesbian. And what the h***? That they go to church every week and I also learned that they go on Wednesdays for bible study on top of going on Sundays and I was expected to go unless something super important comes up. What about me going to lbgt+ meetings on Wednesdays. My dad and mom used to go to church every Sunday until my mom passed or at least that's what my dad told me. He didn't really believe it, but he loved my mother and she had been raised a Christian and she believed it all. My dad got the last name and she got the religion. I think from what my dad said they were Lutherans and I think so are the Davises.
   Today, my aunt came over to pick me up and take me back to my old, It is so hard calling it my old house because first I have only ever left for a vacation and second because I don't really feel welcome with Davis's they are so uptight and I don't really have any privacy and my dad isn't there, house to pack up the pictures and other things in the garage and basement because people were moving in a couple of days. As she opened the door, I ran out and hugged her, jumping with joy. I missed her so much and she was the least superficial of the people here, even though she did know that I was lesbian and made me pretend to be straight and I love her. She took me in her pick up truck and we stopped at Starbucks like usual  and then went to empty out the garage. We looked through boxes of pictures and I found one of me, my dad, my mom, and this girl who I had never seen before but she looked familiar in the hospital from the day I was born. I took it with me as it was the only picture of my mother and I, I would ever have. I saw pictures of a baby girl and my mother, it looked like me sort of but then when I looked on the back it said Mercy hospital and the only numbers I could make out were 1.It was me so I grabbed it and stuffed it in my bag.
I found some pictures of my mom pregnant with me and my mom and dad on their wedding. I had to keep them.
   When I got back I ran up to my room and put the picture of my birth with my mom, dad and that other lady and not that I look more closely she is wearing a hospital gown, maybe she is a nurse or something, my picture frame my dad got me for my birthday last year it said family means forever
   A few minutes later when I was laying on my bed, Tyler jumped on top of me and was trying, emphasis on trying, to be sexy. Then he saw the photo and left.
I was pretending I didn't like his company but him leaving him in my bed was just ignorant. I walked down the stairs to dinner, as Mrs. Davis called me downstairs. We were sitting down at the dinner table eating macaroni and cheese, when I got a text message from Rose. Tyler looked over at my phone and saw that it said "babe r we still on for tomorrow's date. I love you!!!👧🏼👄👧🏼" and that is was from rose not Rowan. He said " oh are we still on for tomorrow night with you and ro I began to sh him and he said Rowan. After dinner I ran up stairs to call rose, but then Tyler jumped on my bed again while I was texting her and tried to be sexy. Then he hopped up and walked over to the door, I thought he was leaving but he just closed the door and walked back over to my bed and sat down beside me.

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