Party Time!

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Serene's POV: 

Today The Davis's leave, well the parents anyway. But before they leave I have to go to church and then go to Youth Group with Tyler. Me and Tyler were talking and tonight we are going to have a party. He said" You can invite Rose, Xander, and that dude from the movie theater because we want to keep it small ok." I nodded and then he said" James and the waitress from last night are coming." Wow,  I thought,  he is inviting some waitress he met last night. Church was worse then I thought it was. The music was very depressing, but at least at the youth group we went to starbucks which was a plus. Then we talked about some boring stuff and went home. Finally it was all over. When we got home, it was about 3 in the afternoon. All of the guests were going to show between 6 and 7 so we had to get ready. I wore the dress that I wore to homecoming a couple weeks before my dad died. It was a teal strapless cocktail dress. Then I watched Tv for about 2 hours when I heard a knock at the door. I rushed downstairs almost tripping on the stairs. When I opened the door I saw that it was Jason standing at the door. He was wearing a flannel and his hipster nerd glasses. He knew I loved them and was probably why he wore them. No one else was coming for a couple more hours, because Xander and Rose are now study buddies for science and have to study until 8,  and Tyler was busy playing video games. So me and Jason, went up into my room to talk. We  sat on my bed and talked about boarding school and just life in general and then he leaned in and kissed me. I do like him, even though I am still dating Rose,  so I kissed him back. He then took of his shirt. OH MY, boarding school did him good, he has rockin' abs now. I took my dress, I kept my bra on. Looking down I saw that I had some good abs too. He then took of his pants  leaving only his underwear on. We kept making out until I heard a knock at the door, I would have yelled at Tyler to go get the door. But he had his industrial headphones on, so he can't hear a thing. I slipped my dress back on and left my room as Jason put back on his clothes. When I got to the window right by the front door, I saw that Xander and Rose were kissing. How rude, we haven't even broken up yet and she is already kissing another person and of all people she picks Xander. Well I mean I was just kissing Jason, but at least she didn't date him ever. I then ran into the bathroom and grabbed a robe. I said to them as I opened the door"Sorry guys I don't think anything is going to happen tonight I am not feeling to well and Tyler has a lot of homework, so you guys should go out and enjoy yourselves before you have to go back to studying. " I then hugged them each good bye. They soon left and the moment I turned around to go back upstairs, Jason was standing right by the stairs and said" Did you just say that so we could be together?" I laughed then so did he, we ran back upstairs. I asked Tyler" Where are your peeps?" He said with anger" Well the waitress( he  actually said her name, but I honestly don't care) has to work and James got grounded. So I am stuck with you people all night. What about your friends?" I left him by saying "They had better things to do." Me and Jason slipped back into my bedroom and ended up picking up where we left off.  It was great. It was romantic. Until he decided to slide down my panties and pushed me down so I was underneath him. I knew what was coming next and started yelling " NO I'M NOT READY FOR THIS" and he simply put his hand over my mouth and said "SHH" I then tried to kick him but he didn't move. He then sat on top of me as he took his own pants off. He was sitting right on top of my bare front butt. He began using his whole body to push into me.  It lasted about a minute more before he kissed me and then got off of me. I threw on my panties and my dress. He threw back on his clothes and then I yelled at him" Leave now"  After he left , I waited a minute or two before I went and sat on the couch next to Tyler. I then knew I should probably break things off with Rose. So I texted her" I love you and I always will, but i feel that right now I need you more as friend then as a girlfriend. I hope this doesn't make it awkward. " I was going to say PS I saw you kissing Xander outside my front door, well really it has become my front door because the other house has sold I am pretty sure but I am not postive because I have not been talking to My Aunt Stacey a lot lately and only me and Tyler are living her right now, but I decided against it because I still want her as a friend and if she wanted me to know she would have come right out and told me. Right now I have a worse problem a head of me, I was just raped and lost my virginity card. What am I going to do? I don't see him use protection, what if he didn't? I've taken Sex Ed, I know what happens when you don't use protection. I am so scared. 

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