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Serene's POV

Today I woke up and realized that Rose was right next to me, ever since I had come out to my dad, we didn't have sleepovers anymore. I missed her beside me especially now that my family, minus my aunt who I am still mad at, is gone. I checked my alarm clock to my left and saw that it was only 6:30 am. I was about to go back to bed when a set of hands reached around me as to hug my and I hugged back. She kissed me on the cheek and then we snuggled. While we were snuggling time slipped away. Soon it was 7am and then a knock came at our door. I then rolled as silently as someone can roll down to the trundle bed that I had laid out to make it look like we had slept on different beds. Then both me and Rose yelled in unison good morning and Josie walked in with a tray that had two cups of Orange Juice, a huge stack of pancakes, some sausage, some syrup, and a Two plates with a set of utensils each. I don't know how she got that tray up here without everything spilling that is sure a talent I don't have. We thanked and the she said" Oh by the way Serene, Aunt Stacy dropped off a box of your dad's stuff for you to go through and see if you want. "

I responded with "Thank you I will look through it when I am done with Breakfast. "

She then left and we enjoyed our breakfast which was amazing. I bet you she makes her own pancake mix because this makes Bisquick taste like trash. Then we took the tray down and she gave me the box. When she said Box, I thought she meant like a cardboard moving box But this box was about as tall as me and was really heavy. She said" I could ask Tyler to do it for you if you would like?" But I didn't want to look like I couldn't handle myself and after last night I didn't really want to see Tyler so carried the box up myself. When I got up stairs and put down the super heavy box I saw Rose staring at the picture I framed. How odd it was that I had put a picture of my family who were all now gone and some random girl that was there when I was born in a family photo frame. I was about to start going through the stuff when Rose asked" why was Josie at your birth with your family?" Thats when I noticed that it was Josie, but it makes sense she had Tyler the same day in the same hospital as the day that I was born so maybe my parents wanted to remember her so they took a picture with her. I started going through my dad's stuff and found a scrapbook of pictures.  There were many pictures of Josie as a child and pregnant. It was really decorated and had stories. I thought that it belonged with Josie and I don't understand why my dad had it. So I ran down stairs to go give it to her and she was in her room on the phone working so I didn't want to interrupt her. So I looked at more of the photos and found a couple of photos of me. And then I went and knocked her door. She answered and I walked in and sat on her bed. She asked why I wanted to talk to her. I showed her the scrapbook and asked why my dad had it if she was in it and she said that she left it in the hospital room and my dad asked her if she wanted back. She told my dad that since her parents disowned her she didn't want to remember her past with them. Then my dad added some of my photos to it. I was kind of confused but I went upstairs to look at all the other things in the box. I saw a jacket of my dad's. It was a leather jacket with some studs on it. I put it on and it actually looked really good with my white tank top and black leggings. Rose said" Babe you look so good." Then I looked through the rest of the box and found a couple pictures of me and my dad at father-daughter dances which we went to when I was in Elementary school. There were other pictures of me when I was really little and pictures of my dad when he was young. He was really cute.  I miss him so much.  Rose said "Serene did you want to go on ancestry research website and research your family members?" Oh right I forgot all about it. I responded with" Sure lets do it right now." We started adding in my family like me, my mom, my dad, my aunt, my grandma, and my grandpa. Then we clicked the button find more family. It said" Processing may take up to Ten minutes." We went down stairs and watched Tv for about 10 minutes I ran up stairs to check if I had any relatives. It said you may related to and then had a list of people. I looked at the family tree which had a couple of the people in the list in it. My mom's mom and dad are name Sophia Whichfield and Henry Whichfield. I used a website that I found on my dad's computer one day when he wasn't home. The website is called Whoisthis.com. I looked up Sophia Whichfield and there was one result. She is 75 and lives in Michigan. I checked if she had a facebook, email, phone number, or anything online.  She had nothing.  How does anyone in today's society could live without a facebook, phone number, email, or anything online at all? She has an address so I could do something that I haven't done since I went to camp when I was little and met a friend that lived across the country. I sent her a letter, but then after a couple weeks of sending letters back and forth. I could send them a letter if I ever wanted to see them because if I just showed up they would have no idea who I was and be very confused. The other thing I would need to find out is how I would get to Michigan. I have money, but wouldn't Josie, Tyler, And the rest of the Davis family be confused. I don't know how I would get away.  I had to find a way to get away. To awake me from my thoughts, Rose said" Serene did you find anything out?" I told her about my grandma Sophia and that it was really odd that she had nothing online. She explained that there were groups of people who believed technology is not a necessity in life today. They lived in rural places, in small towns that still had a post office because there were still people who used it on a day to day basis, and a place where there were no cell phone tower, no satellite towers,  where all purchases were made at a physical store where you had to leave your house to go to and walk around to search, and if you said amazon the people would think you were talking about the rain forest which of course they have only seen pictures of in books that they checked out of a library or bought at a bookstore. Then after Rose finished talking, Xander called. I picked up and he said" Hey Serene." I replied with "Hey Xander."  He said " I really enjoyed last night and if you're not doing anything I thought that maybe you, me , Rose, and Tyler could go to the movies? The third Mystic Mansion Movie is out. " I did enjoy the Mystic Mansion movies but I didn't really want to date him or for him to get the wrong idea about our relationship.  So I said "Sure but I think it will be just like old times if we can go because I think Tyler is busy and I would have to ask Josie if we are available. Whens the movie time?" He said it was at 1:15 and I checked the clock as it was already 10:30. He also said that maybe we could do lunch before, an idea I completely supported. I said" Sure I will talk to Rose and Josie. " He said that he could drive us. I hung up and told Rose about it. She was for it and then we ran down stairs. I asked Josie if we could and she said yes. She suggested that Tyler came along. She then screamed that Tyler come downstairs and join us.

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