Summertime Boredom

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Serene's POV:

When we split up at the movies, Me and Xander went to Priceless Pasta and Rose and Tyler went to Burrito Boss. Priceless Pasta is one of my favorite restaurants. If you couldn't tell I love pasta. I ordered a bowl of Chicken Penne Alfredo and a soda. Xander ordered a bowl of Pesto Fettuccine and a soda. When we put the number they gave us on the table, we went over to the soda fountain. I filled my cup half up with Cola, about a third up with dr.pepper, and the rest with Sprite. Xander did the same, when we were younger our parents would drop us off at the movies and give us money for lunch and the movie. At one point, the ticket seller at the movie knew us each by name. It was mostly because during the summer our parents didn't have anything for us to do starting from when we were about 6 to just last summer. So all of our parents hired one babysitter because we all lived so close we could have her either watch us all at one house or take us somewhere and her favorite place to take us was the movies because her boyfriend worked there so on his breaks they could go make out in the bathroom. She told us not to tell our parents about it and none of us did, we ended up having her as babysitter up until the year we were 14 because we could do our own thing and just binge TV all day. We sat down and Xander said "This is just as good as I remember from when we came here all those summers with Fiona." I replied with" But not as good as that one time when we thought it would be so much fun to mix together all of the sodas including the unsweetened iced tea. We ate our food and then walked out. When we walked out, I said "Xander doesn't that guy, who is working at Toasty's Tempura, look like Jason McCoy?" Jason McCoy was my first crush, he wasn't a good friend of ours but he was our friend because Xander needed some male friends or else the Estrogen would get to high for him. Jason would sometimes hang out with us. He had hazel eyes, brown hair that looked so hot when he flicked it back, and hipster nerd glasses that he wore ironically. It was 4th grade, I was young. In about 7th grade he got sent to finishing boarding school up in Nevada. Xander said" Yeah it does but last I heard from him he was still in Nevada." I said "Yeah what did he ever do to get himself sent to that school, I mean you would know you were like his best friend?" "Yeah Like his best friend. He didn't  tell me that you two were dating what makes you think he would tell me what he did to get sent to boarding school."He said this as we left the restaurant and went into the area by the theater. We kept talking about Jason. We ended up realizing that it was actually him because Xander ended up calling him and asked him if moved back. He said ¨Yeah I haven't  heard from you in a while I bet you are with the beauty."The beauty was his name for me when we were dating and we were best friends.  I took the phone from Xander and said¨ Yeah the Beauty is her and are you by any chance at the Laguna Cinema right now?"He said ¨Yeah I am are you guys?""Yeah We are about to go see a movie""Well do you want to meet up after the movie and have a little reunion?" ¨Sure see you later" When we met up with Rose we told her how Jason is back and at the movie theater right now and that he is going to meet us after the movie. She was excited and then her and Xander started talking about when it was so funny that I dated him. Then Xander said that I woke up and saw what a real man to date. Then Rose said it was time to go to movie. She is such an amazing girlfriend. She could have said that Not everyone needs to date a man and what makes you a real man anyway. She didn't have to be nice to him but she was. Then we walked into the movie and sat down. The movie was really good it was a comedy about a group of girls go on a weekend getaway as a party and goes to a spa. Then we met up with Jason he had changed a lot since the last day I saw him. Well first he aged a lot and he also looks very sharp. His hair is buzz cut and he wore a collared shirt with a bow tie. He put on the nerd glasses when we met up with him and he looked more hot then when we were young.  He came and gave each of us a big hug but for me he kissed me on the lips. Then he said "How's the gang, the beauty? " I opened my mouth but Xander said" We are very good Jason how are you?" "I am good" He said " After I was cleansed from my wrongdoings, life got better. I only say cleansed from my wrongdoings because they literally told me that every day. Hey Serene we should catch up sometime? " "Sure we have to get home but I will text you later." We hopped into the car and drove home. When we got home, both Josie and Tim were standing in the kitchen waiting for us. They said "Guys summer is coming up so because Tim has been working so much we decided to take a trip just the two of us it will be 3 months long. We will be back 2 weeks before you start school next year. Thomas is going to live with your cousins and I think you guys are old enough to stay her by yourself. We also got you each credit cards so that you can buy what you need to for the 3 months we are gone. "

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