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Emily's POV

its been about 4 months and everything had been changed. Sarah and I just like strangers now. But brandon and I became closed and im so happy. Well, im never gave an expected that brandon and I become so closed like we're bestfriend. Even, we're not totally closed when we're at school but Brandon always come tu my house and we're always hang out together. so that, he always call me, but at the same time, he always say Sarah's name. So sometimes, its hurt me but its not his fault. He dont even know that I had a feeling on him. Nevermind, atleast as long as he always with me.

" EMILY!!!! Come over here faster!!!!" I heard my dad called me at downstairs. im worried so much because its sound like dad crying instead of worried. " Wow, chill that whats going on here" I asked. while im staring at dad with his red eyes looked at me, when his tears fall down on his cheek, he hang out the phone and he grab me and give me a hugged. I asked again " dad, whats wrong, dont make me worried please? " dad crying harder " Emily, keep calm, everything is going to be okay, im here emily " dad replied while crying. he add " your mom emily...,.. " oh god sake, im being nervous and my eyes started warm.. " your mother had died in the accident. I just got call from police that your mom had a terrible accident .. She crash to invite your brother from the airport. and Justin also died in the accident " dad crying harder and harder.. I fell, I was sad unspeakable.. nothing cant even describe how I feel now. its like just a dream. I lost 2 person that I love the most. I hug dad hardly.. I felt nothing. how can I face the world without my mom? how can I cheer my life without my brother? Mom, Justin why it could be like this? Oh God..


I prepare to attend the funeral ceremony mom and justin, its just like I cant believe all this will happen. I've lost two people I love most in my life. heavy rain down the cemetery .. I walked to the end, and suddenly I saw a shadow like a mom . " Emily, you dont worry, I may not be with you, but you gotta believe me, I will always be close to you. You have to persevere against all this test . I know you're strong .. keep on living. I love you," she said. Then, it disappeared suddenly. "Emily, are you okay" someone's hand touched my shoulder. I looked over and I saw the face of brandon. oh my God tears flowed down my cheeks . I cant hold everything. I saw mom. I choked, I still need mom. Then I hug brandon. brandon hugged me back , I'm comfortable in his warm hug. I just want to cry their hearts out. I just wanted to express everything.
Brandon took me to mom grave. its was so sadful like everything just gone. im so weak.. im cant handle everything. and I fainted with tears..

Okay, it really sad right? So its just like idk how I feel now. Somehow, everything happen just make us realized that nobody stay forever.. Stay strong everything is going to be okay..

A xx

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