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Emily's POV


" Honey, help me opened the door " I said while I preparing children for school. I was hasty because we're too late. So hurried to prepare breakfast for my family.

" Where's my phone darling ?! " Brandon asked me and he opened the door.

" Take my phone and give a calls " I said

I make pancakes for breakfast this morning. With some milk and cornflakes.

While dad coming up to our house. And Brandon busy looking for his handphone and guess what, his phone is in the fridge, next to the strawberry jam.

How could his phone on the fridge ?

And I give a glance to Cameron. He laugh.

" I know this is your idea Cam !" Brandon scoop Cameron and tickle Cameron's waist.

And we had a breakfast together.


So we've done breakfast and its time to go to school and work.

" Mum, goodbye ! " Kaycee and Cameron says goodbye to me and went to car.

" Takecare honey, and take care dear baby " Brandon said while brandon rubbing my stomach and give me a forehead kisses

Well, I still pregnant !

Im so happy with my life now. I thought that I never had this moments. I guess I can't feel this life. Because I thought that I died young. Its been 6 years we're married. And Brandon loves me so much and I loves him so much. I'll never let him go. Because he is my life.

Its all about me and you. I love you Brandon.

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