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( Brandon's POV when the time he decide to took emily to the place that they used to hang out)

Brandon's POV

Im alone at the room. Lay my tired body on my fluffy bed. And still thinking why I feel doubt with Sarah. My feeling gave me something like im so confuse. Its about 3 months im with Sarah but its have been a week we're not to text each other and I feel like dont have any feeling for her. Everywhere I go, everything I do, its remains me to Emily. Did I fell for her?

I decide to go to rooftop.

I stare at stars.

And my mind still thinking about emily,

My phone rang and I hope that its from Emily but no, its from Sarah.

I pick up the phone.

" Hi sarah, "

" hi, brandon. well now im so frustrated. BECAUSE OF EMILY, YOU BE LIKE THIS! im your girlfriend brandon, and now you should be with me. SO WHAT HAPPEN WITH US?! and its because of that bitch right? I HATEE.......... "

" mind your words please " I replied
" you should know about her condition now, her mum just passed away, now her dad ask me to take care of her hope a while " I added.

" LEAVE HER OR YOU'LL BE REGRET! you should realize that before this, you're confess your feeling at me. now it your responsibility to takecare of my feeling not just go away and leave with no reason. you know what, watch your step and this week is the last week for you to takecare about her and then I dont know you to know her again and the rest of your life btw I love you" She hang out the phone and its so insane. My bad because I've confess to sarah. But I think I should stay with Sarah because I know, Emily dont have any feeling on me. Like what Sarah say before this ; " you know what, emily unlike you. She told me that she had you for the rest of her life " But totally im doubt with that words that Sarah gave to me past 2 days before.

I love Emily so much

Oh lord,

Then brandon took emily to the place that they used to hang out. After all that brandon said, emily just go and....,;

I woke up and I want to catch her and wanna apologize. I pick up my bag pack and something fell. and its emily's jar.
I sat back, I opened the jar and read one by one the pieces of papers. Nothing cant describe my feeling now. Im so speechless. Am done everything wrong. And I felt so guilty at Emily. I know she so broken. And I did I do this to someone that sincerely love me like so long.

My phone rang, and its from my Bestfriend, Jaden.

" dude, I got information. Sarah just flirting when a guys. I saw them. I think Sarah is just a bitch like I think you should settle this thing "

I knew this, I'll never trust on her. And this is make it easy. I open my messenger and text Sarah.

me : can I see you ?
Sarah : sure, let met at mcd about 10 p.m I'll be there

I drove to mcd and I settle it down.

" let break up " I said

" wtf is goin on brandon?! Its because of emily? Wow so nice " she replied

" its not about her, its all about you. I think you dont need me. at my back like im dont know anything and you're totally wrong " I said

" you know it? haha emily tell you? such a backstabber! " she replied

" stop point on her. just continue flirting with that guy. you and me are totally done " I said and I drove away.

Im sorry Emily..,.,.,


I woke up from my bed. and I took a shower and I took my sneakers, black jean, and white T. I drove to Emily's house.

I knock on the door. and no response. Im so worried. I tried to oped the door and its not lock,

" Emily, where are you? " I speak loudly called for her.

and I heard something from the kitchen. I ran out and I found emily bleeding. Im speechless!! I cry harder I take her to the hospital.

Okay guys, this is Brandon's POV. so you know what happen on Brandon life right ? So everything start to be happy now. You should continue reading next chapter now

A xx

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