Bloodsport ( Allison Argent)

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Allison x Reader

Y/N - Your name ; Y/L/N - Your last name

Summary(Requested) : Anon: Wow nice blog. I was wondering if you could write a boyxgirl Allison imagine. The reader just got off a long tim relationship. Allison finds out and consoles the reader, after spending a lot of time together the reader starts having deep feeling for her. In the end Allison always liked the reader too. Thanks love

Warning: fluff, some swearing

A/N: You're the boy in this imagine. This is the first imagine after my hiatus. Sorry for it being pretty short. Anyways have fun. xx Samira GIF ist NOT mine.


Y/N's P.o.v.

"So this is it? After three fucking years you suddenly don't love me anymore? Are you fucking kidding me Madison?", I yell in tears.

" Don't make me feel even more bad about it Y/N! I know it's a shitty move but what should I do? Lie to you about my feelings?", Madison starts to cry.

"Don't you dare and cry now. I am the one who should be crying!", I yell at her.

"I am so sorry Y/N.", she says but I turn around and exit her house, hop into my car and drive away with tears streaming down my face.


"Uhm hey Alli, it's me Y/N. I was just wondering if I could stop by at your house. Madison broke up with me and... and I don't know what to do. For once in my fucking life, I don't know what the fuck to do.", My voice breaks at the end of my sentence as I call Allison.

"Wait what? She broke up with you? Of course you can come over, my dad went out anyways.", Allison answers and I can hear in her voice that she's worried.

"Okay. See you in five.", I hang up and wipe the tears away with the back of my hand.


I knock on the door of the Argent's apartment and as soon as Allison opens the door she embraces me. Although I don't want to cry again, tears build up and roll down my cheek.

"Hey, hey it's going to be okay, Y/N. What did she say?". We walk into the livingroom and I tell her everything. From the planned date to the intimidating silence that lead us to the yelling and finally to the break up. Every now and then Alli pulls me into a hug or takes my hand to keep me from crying. I am the luckiest person on earth to have Allison as my best friend. Best friend... that's all I've ever been to Alli too, sadly. When me and her met for the first time in junior year I had this massive crush on her. How it went? Well, let's say friendzone hit me hard when McCall and her became a thing. So after months of complaining and crying I gave up and told myself, that having her as a friend is also worth a lot. I mean I tried at least and I would lie, if I would t

"Thank you so much for everything, Alli", I say while looking her in the eyes.

"I am here for you, and you know that Y/N.", she smiles and her dimples show.

"Text me when your home,okay?"



"Or do you remember that one time, where we went ice scating and you fell straight on your face? I've never laughed that hard before." Allison holds her stomach while laughing her ass off.

"Yeah, I remember.", I answer less amused.

"Oh don't be like that Y/N. I was just making fun."

"It was funny though."; and now we are laughing both while staring into each others eyes. Then a silence follows for a moment. I can't even react to her pressing her lips agressively against mine. I close my eyes and enjoy her, for me, surprising movement.

"I-I'm sorry.", she whispers.

"I think you should go now Y/N.Please.", unable to say anything I literally get kicked out without saying Goodbye.


The following week Allison decided to act like she doesn't know me. She doesn't talk to me nor does she sit with me during breakfast, lunch or supper. It is hell. I mean College is hell itself but without her it is like satan is stabbing me while I walk on fire.

That's how it feels like for the next two months. Trying to forget her is impossible and having to see her, but not be able to talk to her, everyday is hard. I guess I'm no longer friendzoned but ignored.


*three months later*

"Hey", a familiar voice greets me and I had to turn around to see the matching face.

"Alli", I whisper.

"I'm so sorry, I don't want to lose you. It is all my fault."

"No, no stop Y/N. I actually came here to apologize myself to you. It was unfair how I acted infront of you. I never meant to kiss you.", she says and my heart breaks.

"Oh-okay", I reply while looking down to the ground.

"I-I mean if you..", she stopps in the middle of the sentence.

"If I?"."

"Forget it. It'd be ridiculous. I mean you would never love me.", Allison places her hands over her mouth, like she did't want me to hear that.


"See, I knew. Just-just forget I said that, Y/N."

"Allison Argent.", I start.

"Beautiful Allison Argent. I loved you since I first saw you and I actually never believe in love at first sight. But you, you made a fool out of me. A fool for you. I died when you and Scott got together and every damn minute without you was hell. So don't you dare and say that I would never love you! If it's not love what I feel for you then I don't know what is.", I nearly yell.

"Are you serious Y/N?", she asks smiling with the dimples on her face.

"Yes, very serious."

I grab her by the waist and pull her to me and before I finally press our lips together my eyes look deep into hers.

"Why is love always such a bloodsport?"


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