Chapter One

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I get up as early as I could to take a shower

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I get up as early as I could to take a shower. After I do, I pick a simple shirt with a jacket to keep me warm. I also get a pair of jeans and some short boots. I wear them and I just brush my hair and keep it as it is. I don't usually tell anyone about this but I embrace my golden locks.

I walk out of the messy apartment and I make my way towards the subway. As I wait for the subway to arrive I notice a guy with dirty blonde hair. I can't really tell what color his eyes is because he was sitting in a bench to my left but way far from me.

He must've noticed me looking at him so he gave me a smile and I reply with a small smile. As the subway arrives I wait for the people to come out so I could come in without any hassle. I turn my head sideways and suprisingly, dirty blonde dude stands behind me. He's coming in the same subway. Coincidence? Maybe.

I walk in and I hold the bar which has a purple mark. It's from my paint and I marked it so I wouldn't forget it's the pole I usually hold on to. While dirty blonde dude sat down with an empty seat beside him. He then looked at me then back at the seat then back at me. Which maybe meant I should sit down but I don't know yet.

"You wanna sit down?" I blinked at him surprised at his question.

"I-I- uh, I'm fine." My eyes went downcast after that out of embarrassment.

"Please, I, insist."

I couldn't let him down because he was really insisting and he looked cute, so why not?

"Fine." I decided as I sat down beside him leaving a little space between us.

"I'm Lucas. Lucas Friar." He started, handing me his hand to shake. Although I didn't take it because I stared at his eyes until I saw what color it was. It was Green. I looked at his hand realized he was still holding is hand out for me to shake and introduce myself to him.

"Oh, um sorry. I'm Maya." I replied shaking his hand and smiled at him.

"So, where are you going Maya?"

And, why do you care? That thought crossed my mind but I didn't say it.

"Are you a kidnapper or something?" He chuckled at my remark which I found attractive.

"No, I'm just asking to at least start a conversation."

"Okay. Well, I'm going to Svorski's then I'm going to have a walk around New York."

"Interesting. My house is just four blocks after Svorski's and my dad is still back at Texas, kissing everyone goodbye. You wanna come?"

"Oh! You're a cowboy! Hmm, are you sure you're not a kidnapper, Ranger Rick?" I teased with a cheeky grin.

"Yes. I'm sure."

"Okay, then. As long as I get my muffin and Hot Choco, Hop-along."

"Yeah, my treat if you want."

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