Chapter Ten

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We were currently riding the subway to school and while we were there, Riley was texting Lucas the address of our final destination so he would know where to go. Apparently, he's still kinda new here so I wouldn't doubt he's still new and learning about the places of Manhattan.

We arrive just as Riley puts down her phone. We walk out and I sigh in relief because Riley has been ignoring me for the past fifteen minutes because she was too busy texting Ranger Ri-

"LADIES!" Someone shouts at the other side of the room. Riley and I both abruptly turn around and see Farkle on his tippy toes trying to wave his hand for us to see him while Lucas is just standing there with his lips pressed together and his hands inside his pockets.

Speaking of, we walk over to him and Farkle as soon as we both see them.

"Hey there Farkle. Lucas, hello." Riley says.

"Ladies," Farkle repeats in a seductive way as a response to our greeting.

"Hi Riley." Lucas greets back.

Riley pulls Farkle by the sleeve to the side for some "very private" conversation.

"How ya doin' Cowboy?" I greet while at the same time joke.

He just presses his lips again and gives me a slight nod then turns back to Riley and Farkle's "very private" conversation which makes me lose the sly grin on my face.

Why is he so down today? Eh, I'll deal with it later.

I cup my pockets to find my flip phone and when I do, I open to see it was 7:36 a.m.

Only twenty four minutes left.

So I stride towards Riley and Farkle, or Filey slash Riarkle I like to call it, and put my arms around both their shoulder.


"So, are you done yet because we have exactly like, wait-" I get my phone again and see it's 7:38 a.m.

"Exactly 22 minutes so you better start running!" I yell and sprint towards the exit.

I dash through the people walking the streets of New York City and glance behind me as I see them struggling to keep up with me; I giggle and keep running.

I arrive in front of the Entrance, put the palms of my hands to my knees then I try to catch my breath. I stand up and see them arriving looking drained despite being this early in the morning and class is only starting.

I open my phone again, 7:43 a.m.

"Woah, guys! That was a new record, five minutes from the Subway to here! That was awesome." I gush and raise a hand to Farkle which he high fives and forces a smile, still very out of breath. I do the same thing to Riley and she just hugs me and gives me a cheeky grin with a huge sigh indicating her breath was back.

I repeat lastly to Lucas and he just raised an eyebrow to me.

"Well don't leave me hanging!" I point to my palm.

"We could've gotten hit by a car!" He snapped.

I paused at him unexpectedly snapping which caused me to snap too, wait, worse. It caused me to explode.

"We were literally running on the sidewalk, Lucas! We were gonna run late and you're still angry!" There, I finally exploded too.

I was trying to help you because if I didn't react that way would Riley and Farkle stop talking? No! If you were our friend you would know that!" I finished and stomped to my locker.

I slam open my locker door and sense them coming up to me. I continue pulling my History book.

Lucas stands there waiting but I chose to ignore him and continue pulling my book until it is slightly loose.

"Look, Maya. I'm sorry. I just got worried and I'm so rushed that I don't know what to do but be angry." Lucas starts.

I continue pulling until I pulled too much, my History book got out of my grip and fell to the floor along with some of my homework which I haven't answered until now.

"Ugh." I exclaim and roll my eyes. I drop to the floor and pick up my fallen stuff and hear someone pick up some of the things too. I ignore it and reach for my History book just as someone does too which causes our hands to touch.

I abruptly look at that someone and see that it was Lucas. I slap his hand away, pick up my book and stuff all the other things that slumped down on the floor while Lucas catches up and stuff the things he picked up too. I wait for him to get his hand out then slam shut my locker and proceed to our History class.

I sat down on my assigned seat and avoid putting my arm on Lucas's desk. I see in the corner of my eye that Riley already sat down and so did Farkle. Cory finally arrives and starts discussing but I can definitely tell he's disturbed just by looking at me; not teasing either Lucas or him.

"So why is she suddenly all gloomy?" Cory asks Riley with furrowed eyebrows.

"Well, Lucas got angry at Maya because she was just trying to help us because we're running late and if she didn't interrupt us we wouldn't stop talking." She says now out of breath.

"I knew this would happen. You're a bad influence to both my daughters!" Cory points at Lucas jokingly then Lucas stood upright.

"Look, sir. I am sorry. I just got carried away because I was worried she'd plan to go somewhere and hide and she'd get lost. I can't stand losing her at the same time I know Riley and Farkle won't too. Maya, I'm sorry."

"Okay, he's sorry would you stop being so gloomy now? You're ruining my mood too."

I look at him darkly and force a fake smile just enough to satisfy him and he continues to discuss.

I continue to ignore him until the end of the school day. I talk to Riley and Farkle though, just like the usual before Lucas even arrived. After our last period Riley patiently waits for me to finish putting my things back in my locker.

"Shall we go?" I ask offering her my arm for her to take like we usually do and walk back to her house but this time she didn't take it.

"Maya, you need to talk to him. I can't stand both of my friends not talking to each other everyday." Riley says.

"What's there to talk about? He'll probably be angry if I did that once more and it'll lead me to feel worse and avoid my usual self making more stunts."

"Please just do it." She pleads.

"What like Nike now?" I retort as she giggles and push me into a small room, the infamous janitor's closet.

"Wait here." She whispers and closes the door then locks it before I could get my hands on the doorknob.

I sit there on the floor and before I knew it Farkle and Riley push Lucas inside too.

I bite my lip and look the other way. The tension is getting weird and real as time passes by.

"Maya, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for getting angry and I'm sorry for thinking about those foolish things I said." Lucas cried.

We pause for at least thirty-seven seconds and then I look at him.

"We were literally running on the side of the street. It was impossible for a car to hit us, and me? Hiding? Why would I do that? I urged for us to run to the school not hide from it." I reasoned.

"Yes and I'm truly sorry for that. Truce?" He requests.

"As long as you don't get angry. You don't know what you're dealing with." He gives me one of his cheeky grins and I give him one too.

"There it is. That's what I'm talking about."

He unexpectedly hugs me which took me a long time to process it, twenty-three seconds to be exact. I slowly hug him back too.

Riarkle must've sensed us making up so they opened the door and help us up then we exit the school and ride the subway back home.


Aye Lovely Readers! Here's another chapter of them and I'm gonna focus in the next few chapters on Maya's family problems and how she deals with them.


Her Side Of The Story >> Maya Hart | Lucaya ft. RiarkleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora