Chapter Seven

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I was now in school with class almost finished. I'm taking things out of my locker with Riley and I ignoring each other the whole day. The bell rung signaling we have to go to class now so I enter the classroom with Lucas behind me. I sit down at my desk and put my head to my hand while looking down, trying to avoid eye contact from anyone inside the classroom including Lucas.

Cory arrives with a blank look on his face and Riley was looking at me then Cory. Doing the same routine thrice until she stood up abruptly which caused me to look up.

"Look, I never wanted this. I never wanted this because I never expected this. Now, what happened yesterday sure was an eye opener. That taught me to embrace who you are and never be your best friend. Because being your best friend's best friend is what makes her the best person she could ever be." Riley said.

What Riley just said almost brought me to tears. I stood up and hugged her. Riley broke the hug and faced Cory.

"This is what I fight for. I fight for friendships that last and friendships that cause peace in the end." Riley declared proudly in front of her dad and Cory just clapped three slow claps.

"Riley," Cory started.

"Yes, dad?"

"You are now ready to take on the world." He announced with a smile and Riley gave one back to Cory.

We all sat down and Cory continued to lecture is all with his new lesson this time with a smile on his face.

Class ended and all of us friends are there at the Subway. Cory, Topanga and Auggie are here. Along with Lucas, Farkle, and I. We're here to attend to the giving of the World of Cory to Riley because Riley was ready to take on the world.

Cory was done with his speech and gave Riley the ticket to the world.

"And to celebrate, we are eating out. Maya, care to join us?" Cory asks.

"No thank you, Mr. Matthews. I'd like you to enjoy and I have to do something so, catch ya later." I state.

"See you later, Maya." Topanga called out.

"And see you later, Peaches." I call out to Riley.

"See you." She replies as we both go out our different ways with me heading towards my secret place. I arrive in my secret place where I usually stay at. And it is actually only at the back of the school. Nobody would go there and that's where I get all my inspiration to draw. Cliché huh?

The back of the school consists of nothing but a field and a tree. I walk towards the tree and sat down under the shade. I lean back and this time, instead of drawing what's on my mind, I let my feelings draw.

I get my sketch pad from my bag, and a pencil.

I start to draw something which was most likely a head. Then I kept going because I was starting to get more curious on what my feelings would be drawing. I kept on drawing until I realized it was a boy's head and I abruptly stopped. I don't want to go anymore further because I don't want to know who I have feelings for.

"What's that?" Someone said from a far.

Surprised, I hit my elbow at the visible roots. Good thing it was only a scrape. Until it started bleeding.

"Ow." I hiss at the stinging pain. I raise my head to the person who scared me, and it was Lucas running towards me.

"What is this, scare cam?" I asked Lucas with a glare.

"I'm sorry," he said as he kneeled down and held my arm.

"I just saw you doing something and I thought I had to ask you."

"You could've come nearer first and asked me." I exclaim.

Then he started to get gauze from his bag and a water bottle. He placed the gauze beside him and then he started washing the area with the scrape and it caused me to hiss a little bit.

He picked up the gauze and then he pressed the gauze at the bleeding scratch and I hiss. He lifted the gauze, gave me a questioning look and I just nod at him signaling him to keep going. He kept pressing the gauze at the scratch and raised my hand with me having a puzzled look on my face. I realize that he had raised my hand to stop the bleeding.

"So ,why exactly are you here?"

"Just exploring the school, nothing much. Until I found this interesting looking place and then you were here."

"And how do you find this place interesting?" I question him with a sophisticated look on my face as I fold my hands together.

"You see, this place only consists of a field and a tree and it's actually enough to give oxygen to at least two persons. And so I found one person, you, and I thought maybe I could add one more person which could be me." He replied with a satisfied look on his face.

"Fair enough."

"What are you doing here?" Lucas asked.

"I'm sketching. Because I feel like I haven't been doing this a lot and I feel a bit, lost without sketching."

"Hmm, I don't really get why you didn't continue this head. The result might be a good looking boy." He states as he looks at my sketch without me realizing he took my sketch pad without me noticing.

"Give me that!" I cried as I try pulling the sketch pad away from him. But bad enough he isn't going to let go so I wait for when he's really trying to pull the sketch pad then I let go and he falls on his back letting go of the sketch pad. I laugh at his epic fail and I couldn't seem to stop. I run to my sketch pad and pick it up still laughing at Lucas. I offer a hand to Lucas trying to help him.

He's still angry at me I could tell you that that's why instead of standing up he pulls me down which, thankfully, made me fall beside him on my stomach and not on him like most Cliché movie actresses do.

We both laugh at the incident and we couldn't seem to stop. I slap his forearm endlessly. We both sit up and sigh.

"Who were you drawing? The one with no face?" Lucas describes the sketch I did earlier.

"I don't know actually. It's actually from my feelings but I don't really know what i'm feeling for that particular person right now."

"Then why did you stop?"

"I don't know. I might not want to know who the person I have feelings for. Because, I don't want to hope."

"Yeah, hope's for suckers. But in the end, suckers always win. If that makes any sense at all."

"True that. Well, I'd have to go to the Matthews's now. It's Wednesday and I usually eat dinner with them on Wednesdays so, see you tomorrow?" I assured.

"Yeah, I mean I have to go help out my mom too. She just arrived from her business trip so, yeah, see you."

"Bye." And with that I walk out of the back of the school and make my way to the Matthews's house.

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