Chapter Six

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Instead of taking the Subway I walk home. At least I get to stroll around my dear New York and it's comforting me already.

Maybe, Cory just cares for me too much. I know I'm smart I just don't want to prove it to anyone because I can't even prove it to my parents. My father left me and my mom just works at the diner. I know she loves me but she spends too much time in the diner. It looks like she loves the diner more than she loves me. I thought as my tears began to fall down my cheeks but I just wipe them away. Knowing i'd have to be strong to take on life.

I was so distracted thinking about not proving I'm smart that I didn't even realize I was infront of my apartment.

I walked inside and instead of walking up the stairs I used the fire escape to go up. I arrived inside my small apartment and it stayed the same as always.

I felt the need to cry again so I ran to my bed and bawled my eyes out.

I don't have a father, I'm not perfect like Riley, I don't have anyone to help me with my homework, and now I just blew up my last cover of being Riley's best friend because of my stupid stunt at school. Well done, Maya!

I kept crying until I heard something from the living room. I jumped up from the bed and took my baseball bat, the only protection I had despite the awful neighbors in this very apartment.

I walked towards the living room without any sounds and I saw someone behind the couch. I walk to the couch, close my eyes and count to three. When it was three I started hitting him crazily with the baseball bat.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?!" I yelled to the intruder still hitting him intensely.

"Ow, ow, ouch, please stop! Have mercy on the Cowboy!" As soon a I heard cowboy I immediately knew who it was.

I stopped hitting him then I opened my eyes to lean in see it was Lucas rubbing his head. As he stood up I don't know what got to me so I unexpectedly punched him right in his face.

"Aww, damn what the heck?!" He cried.

"What are you doing here, Lucas?" I hissed clutching my fist because damn that hurt.

He stood up and stared into my eyes.

"Before I tell you that don't you wanna give me something from the freezer?"

"And why would I give you something from the freezer?"

"Don't you think my face hurts?" He asked.

"Psh." I go to the kitchen and open the fridge to get peas from the freezer and handed it to him. He put it in his face.

"So Lucas, why are you here?" I ask forcing a smile. And he handed the pack of peas to me so I could put it on my hopefully not yet bruised fist.

"Followed you and hopefully wanting to know why you were crying." He murmured as he lowered his head and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Say what now?"I asked poker faced.

"I wanted to know why you were crying. Because maybe, you know, I could help you with your problems." He mumbled but I clearly heard that.

"Well, I don't need your help and I don't need your pity." I croaked. I noticed my voice was cracking because I yelled at Lucas and I cried earlier. He paused for at least a few seconds thinking about what to say.

"Fine. I won't pity you and I won't help you. But I will comfort you. Whether you like it or not." He declared firmly as his eyes blazed with determination.

"Whatever." I stated as I walk towards my bed and flop myself on it.

"So what are you gonna do to comfort me?" I asked with my voiced muffled because my face was stuffed in the pillow.

"I don't know, could you tell me what happened and why you did it?" Lucas said as he sat down in a nearby chair.

I lifted my face from the pillow and laid on my back.

"And why would I do that?" I sneered at him.

"Because, I wanna be a good friend. I already failed of being one to my old friends, so why not be a good one to you?" He reasoned.

"Well then, are you willing to listen and not pity me like those other people which say 'Aww, it's okay. You'll be fine. Just hold on.' I don't want that. Because people that say those stuff betray me. Well, most of them do. Until I found my bestfriend."

"Okay, I promise I won't say anything like that."

I sat up and crossed my legs. I breathed in and out and then I was ready to share everything to Lucas.

"Well, I used to have two parents now I have one. My dad, he, left me when I was five. And my mom works in a diner to keep me in school but she spends too much time there, she couldn't make it in the last four career weeks." I confessed. I could feel myself tearing up but I immediately wipe them away and force a smile.

"I never was perfect like Riley, I never had a perfect family, perfect life and even perfect clothes. But I only have Cory, Riley and Farkle. But I lost them. I lost them because of my stupid stunt earlier. Now I won't have anyone. Maybe someone's just trying to play with my life, and it's, I-it's working. Nobody's gonna be there for me. And maybe that's just the way it is." I grumbled. I never realized I was already covering my face and crying again.

Lucas strode over and sat beside me. He rubbed my back and hugged me, I disregarded the fact that he's supposed to be Riley's and hugged him back.

"I'm gonna be here. I'm still here." He cooed.

I raise my head from his wet shirt with tears shimmering in my eyes.

"W-will you really s-still be here? W-will you s-stay?" I stammered with tears overflowing my eyes.

"Of course. You're the first person I know here and you're gonna be the last person who I betray. You're a close friend and now, You're like a sister to me. I promise I won't be like the people you were talking about." He assured.

Woah, one of his words hurt, although I don't know what it is. I gave him a small smile and hugged him again. And to be clear it was a friendly hug. I broke away from the hug and wiped away my tears. I looked down on Lucas's shirt and gave him a sorry smile. His shirt was all wet because of my tears.

"Heh. Sorry, I still have my dad's shirt which I think is about your size."

"I bet it's the last thing you have of him. Keep it." He offered.

"No. You can have it. I'd like the last thing I had of my dad to go to a decent and very kind Huckleberry." I insisted and giggled as I stood up.

"Oh and you really had the guts to say that while I'm comforting you. Well, I'm gonna be a very bad Huckleberry and go ultra Sundance on you." He said with a smirk.

I scrunched my face at him as he lean forward as I go back until I hit my back at the wall. I look at him with confusion splattered all over my face until he poked my side which caused me to wince.

"Lucas, what are you doing?" I ask as I stifle a giggle and I move away from him.

"Oh, so now you're calling me Lucas. Not cowboy, Sundance, Huckleberry, Ranger Rick?" He jeered at me while He paced towards me.

"Of course. I know you're name. I-I've always known you're name." I stammer with a fake smile as I run to the door but he caught my waist on time and pulled me back. And then he started to tickle me which caused me to fall to the floor and so did Lucas. I stand up to run to door but he stands up just in time to put his hands in my waist and pull me back.

"Then why haven't you called me that when we met?" He whispers to my ear. I remove his arms from my waist and turn around. I pull both lapels of his jacket so I could say it to his face.

"Because it is fun. So, You have comforted me and you may leave. I will lend you the shirt tomorrow at school and we can continue talking by then." I said as I push him out of my apartment.

"But I-" He protested.

"See ya tomorrow!" I yelled over his protesting voice.

I turn around and push my back at the door. I sink down and hug my knees.

"What the heck was happening back there?" I sigh.

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