Chapter Eight

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Riley and I are currently sitting in the bay window. This is where we solve problems and this is where we first met.

"Riles," I started.

"Yeah?" She drags the 'h'.

"I've been spending a lot of time with this certain person, and I think it's illegal in a way to hang out with him. What do you think?" I ask Riley stuffing my hands inside my pockets.

"Do you have fun hanging around with this, particular person?" she asks eyeing me intensely that makes the tension real because she might know about whom I'm talking about but at the same time she might not.

"Well, kinda." I respond shrugging in a nonchalant manner.

"And how is it illegal to hang out with this particular person?" She asks in a very sophisticated way.

"Let's say, we're in a school with cliques and we were not allowed to hang out because of the leader of that particular person's clique doesn't want us to." I explain.

"Then hang out with the particular person. It's not the leader of the clique's decision to choose the friends of that person."

"Thanks, Riley."

"Aw, you're welcome peaches. So, what other things should we talk about?" She chirps.

"Hm, oh I know! You and Lucas! Don't you make a great couple?"

"Heh, yeah, I bet." She says as the smile fades away from her face. Something's wrong.

"What's wrong, Peaches?" I ask obviously concerned. I mean, she is my best friend.

"It's nothing. So, do you have a crush?" She waves her hand in dismissal and changes the subject.

"Eh." I reply raising my shoulders in a half shrug.

"Oh come on, Maya. Any person who doesn't have a crush wouldn't be normal. Come on just tell me if you like someone even for only a teeny bit." She tried to convince me. I sigh to what I am about to reveal.

"Well, there's this one guy." I reluctantly conceded rubbing my shoulder.

"Yeah, and?" She leans closer eager to know who the person is.

"I like him just a teeny bit." I squeaked squinting my eyes and gesturing a small gap between my fingers.

Riley gave me a lopsided grin and wiggled her eyebrows at me. I furrow my eyebrows at her and push her shoulder aside which caused her to fall down while I just laugh at her.

"My best friend's got a crush after at least eight years!" She yelled in which Cory and Topanga come running down from the halls to the room.

"What happened?" Cory asks frantically with their eyes wide open.

Riley stood up immediately and gave the biggest smile to her parents. "Maya's got a crush!" Riley gushed.

"And this is not the conversation for me." Cory said with his hands up and he walks out of the room.

"So, Maya what's it feel like?" Topanga added with a grin on her face.

"Not much." I replied forcing a smile.

"You're gonna hate it as time goes by and it'll only get deeper and deeper." Topanga says.

"Woah, guys. It's just a small crush and you don't even know who it is. Besides, he goes for good girls like Riley." I demurred.

"And what makes you say he doesn't like bad girls, Maya?" Riley rejoined the conversation and raised her eyebrows at me as she places her arms on her hips.

"Because he's a good guy like you and were opposites. Besides, he wouldn't like me. Never." I denied shaking my head and crossing my arms.

"But Maya, don't you get it? Opposites attract! Who knows? That good guy might turn you into a good girl too! Or even better, he'll turn into a bad guy just to be with you. Think about the possibilities!" Riley pointed out.

"This is what I know; he'll never ask out me out, he'll never want ask me out, and he'll never want to go out. With me."

"Fine. Say what you want because I know he will like you. So! What happened?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Okay, girls. Now I'm gonna go back and hopefully everything will be alright."

We both sit back down at the bay window.

"I don't want to tell you yet. I'll tell you at the right time." I say.

"Okay, then."

Then Riley starts to talk about her day which is of course a good one, like always.

"Now let's talk about you and Lucas, huh? How are you with him?" I chirp.

"Well, uh, great; I guess. I mean we do talk and stuff. And we also talk most of the time." She reassures and gives a half smile.

"Do you need more advice? Because I have a lot of advice." I ask her.

"No, no thank you. I have enough advice from you now. But this time, let's talk about your grades." She beamed which caused me to lose my smile and give her a frown.

"No. I am not talking about this." Mainly because I don't want to tell her all this secret smarts of mine.

"It's gonna be alright, I mean dad's gonna tutor you so that you'd get an A. I don't know about you but all I know is  he made the right decision to tutor you."

"Riles. I don't need A's. All I need are C's and it's enough to go to the next step." I protest.

"You're gonna get tutored whether you like it or not." She said firmly while I just cross my arms angrily and pout.

"Tutor time!" Cory yells while I just groan knowing I'd be staying there for quite a long time.

Riley tries to pull me away from the bay window but I wouldn't budge. She widens her eyes at me and I respond by widening my eyes at her too. She then stomps out the room probably going to the dining area.

I smile at my success in staying here until she yells, "RING POWER!" probably smirking at succeeding.

Dang it! I completely forgot about that. Well, too late now.

I shuffle my way towards the dining area with gritted teeth while Riley simply smiles and pats a seat beside her. I sit down and instead of gently touching our rings together I almost punched her fist. She immediately shakes it and mutters an "ow".

"Okay, Maya. Let's start." Cory interrupts.

Forever starts now. Actually no. There's no Forever in my vocabulary. But I just said it so- you know what, whatever.

After a few hours of tutor I actually finally got it. I learned something and I finally might be able to get A's. Not like I don't know how to get them. Psh.

"Alrighty then. If were done I should probably get going." I start to get up and point my finger to Riley's room where I usually go in and out when I come here.

"You can go now, Maya." Riley confirms.

"Finally! Forever actually ends! Not like it's in my vocabulary. But see ya later peeps." I wave goodbye to them as I head back to my apartment.

What a crazy day.


Sorry for the short chapter I'm running out of ideas but hopefully I will get one soon. I'd really appreciate some votes and comments because I want to know who's been reading this book. Sorry for the late update my parents told me to avoid social media for a whole month and I'm going to be back on October 16th.



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