Daddy's Girl

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It was a hot summer in the middle of Egypt. King Tolls was watching as his soon to be the final resting place of twenty-thousand giant blocks was being made. He watched as the slaves moved large heavy sandstone blocks through the city and out toward the unfinished Pyramids.

"Put your backs into it!" Said a lynx with a whip cracking at the exhausted slaves.

A lion fell to his knees and pants as he tried to catch his breath. A whip cracked on his back making him yelp. He looked back to see an angry lynx glaring down at him with a whip dripping in the blood of the fallen. The lion watched as the Lynx pulled out a machete and raised it over his head. "Please no please." he pleaded. The lynx had no mercy as he swung the blade ending the Lions' last thoughts.

Back above them, King Tolls watched as his Pyramid was being put together. He closed his eyes and leaned over the railing of the balcony before speaking. "Fetch my daughter. I have a few words to speak with her." His priestess nods bowing. "Right away my lord," she said before turning away and heads out the door

In a room on the west wing of the palace, a young dark-furred jackal was laying on a large circular bed with a gray-colored wolf. Her body exposed to the air in the privacy of her chambers. Her breasts pressed to the side of her pet as she nuzzled under his neck. A hard knock echoed through the room and the female growled to herself. She grabbed a silk sheet from the edge of the bed and used it to cover her body. "You may enter."

The priestess comes. "Princess Jinx?" She smiles "Your father would like a word with you."

Jinx sighs and sits up. "Leave me. I'll be there momentary."

The priestess bows and lets out a soft "Yes princess." before leaving.

Once she was gone, Jinx turned toward her pet and leans over giving his cheek a lick. "I'll be right back boy." She rubs his side before getting up and retreats to her wardrobe. "I hate putting on these clothes and leaving the comfort of this room. I can't stand walking around here with those weaker-minded beasts out there."

After some time, Jinx comes through the door of her fathers and bows. her head lowers as to not make eye contact and smiles. "Afternoon father," she said softly. "I hope everything is as planned."

Tolls turned around and walked over to his daughter. "Everything is, but I fear that death will partake me before they finish my tomb."

Jinx nodded and rose from her bowing position and looked up at her father still not making complete eye contact. "Anything I can do to postpone him or make them work faster?" she asked.

"Nothing can be done." Tolls replied. "The god of death will have my soul and the slaves are being overworked as it is. I doubt if either of them will make much of a difference."

Jinx whimpered and sighed, "I understand father."

"With that said. I have chosen to take you with me to my passing."

Jinx's eyes shot wide. Daring no to look up into the eyes of her pharaoh, she swallowed and shut her eyes tight. "Father. As an honor this may be," Whimpers the young princess, "I wish not to die so early in my life. I have yet to marry a prince or be deflowered to bare young. I wish not to die a virgin."

Tolls walks up to her and tilt his head; his claws clicking on the floor lightly. "You have not chosen a sootier and I refuse to have a daughter be left to her own accord or to her mother."

Jinx raises her head to him. "Father what has come of mother that you don't trust her with my future?"

Tolls frowns. "Nothing. you are to know nothing of this question and will allow it to leave your mouth no more. He growls. "Once my temple is finished," He said. "you are to be prepared for sacrifice and will join me in the underworld where man and gods will live as one."

One Day: Undead ResidenceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang