Unfair Trial

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--Jinx's POV--

There I was, betrayed by my own mother and father and sentenced a death that was the most of my father's mercy. In the middle of the city in front of the gate of the palace, I stood on stone flooring with my paws tied at the wrist behind my back. He looked toward the crowd with a bland look on my face. I took a deep breath ready for my punishment. I took one more lookout to the crowd and my eyes met to a feral jackal creature sitting in the back behind the crowd. Its head was lowered and eyes closed as if waiting.

I looked to my right and frowns seeing another jackal facing me in the same position as the first. I looked back at my father who was seated on his throne on the platform a couple of meters away with mother. "Father," I said before he raised his paw to silence me.

"I don't want to hear it." He growls before placing his paw over mothers. She was bandaged up around her stomach and neck showing several bloody spots and paw prints of where the nurses had to fix her up. "You have no right to speak child." Mother continued.

I whimpered and looked forward. The jackals still there and nobody seemed to care. I looked back again and whimpered. "But father please."

Tolls lifted his paw once more. "Silence." He growls.

"But jackals are here father please look!"

Tolls rose and walks up beside me. His eyes scanning the crowd with no avail to what I was talking about. "Father there is one to the right. There look." I used my nose to show the direction and he followed my gaze. He then looked at me and everything went black the moment he swung his arm at me.

I wake up on the stone floor of which I once stood. My vision fuzzy with the sound of arguing people in the crowd. I swallowed and grunt as something grabs my upper arm and sits me up on my knees. My jaw and cheeks cramping to a rag in my mouth being tied around my head. Then I heard my father's voice.

"My daughter," He said. "has betrayed her family in such sinful acts of attacking her mother in the attempt to kill her. She was found in the holy libraries and captured before she could finish what she started."

My vision clears and I could see that some time had gone by and the crowd of people has tripled the size it was before. My eyes scanned the crowd for a moment seeing that some of them weren't citizens but ancient assassins of the dreadful god of death. Judging by how nobody seemed to panic or take any notice to them, they couldn't see them. A jackal passed my view and my gaze followed it to my left where three more awaited. Their eyes opened and glaring at me with blank stares. I frowned and looked toward my father who was now walking toward me.

"And with this blade, I shall fix thy sin with thou Life." He growls.

The look in his eyes was not my fathers but of a demon whose purpose was to make me suffer. I was lifted to my feet and whimpers at father who's glare began to soften. I whimper at him and shake my head trying to get the rag from my mouth. A black jackal wearing a red ribbon on his shoulders. He placed his paw upon the shoulders of my father and my father instantly held his chest. He groaned and stumbled before falling over. Guards run over concerned of him.

Mother screams hopping out of her chair and to the stage. I watched her cry and I could only frown at her act. Mothers eyes then drew to me with an angry glare. I whimper watching her stand then huffs. "How dare you." She growls.

I wiggle lightly in the grip of my holder and watched as she took hold of fathers' blade. "You are unworthy to be with him." She looked to the guards. "Take my husband and prepare him for rest. Collect my daughters' priests and bring them to me." She frowned.

I watched as they took my fathers' body and carried him into the palace. Mother looked toward me and held her glare.

"As for you, I have great plans for my daughter" She growled.

A crowd of guards and servants came down the steps of the palace to the stage are. They pressed down on the servants making them moan in pain and collapse on their knees. Mother looks over. "Enjoy your last few moments of having them Jinx, it is their last after all." She ran her claw across her throat and the guards pulled out sharp curved daggers and across the servants' throats they went.

After the servants fell dead, Sarabi looked at Jinx and walked over to the guards knabbing one of their daggers. "Unbind her worthless wrists."

The straining of my wrists were released and I pulled the rag from my mouth and sighed rubbing my jaw. The dagger was thrown before me and I looked up at mother.

"Kill yourself." Mother said.


Mother huffs. "You murdered your father in some sort of magic and thus sine he is now diseased, you shall pay with your life as mercy. His only daughter." She walked to the edge of the stage toward the crowd and sighs. "Take the blade and kill yourself."

I grabbed the dagger and looked my reflection in the blood dripping from it.

"Do it or I promise my guards will, and they won't be so nice with you."

I whimper and brought the blade to my neck. My arms shaky as death like this was terrifying to me. I drop the dagger and look up. "Mother, I can't do it."

Mother turned around and nods at her guards. I frowned and turned around to only be punched down and have my hair grabbed. I looked up as my hair was pulled back and the dagger came down into my mouth. It was pulled out and I held my mouth as blood poured. I coughed and rolled over allowing the guard to plant the dagger into my throat this time-twisting it. I cried in pain and tried to stop him but this only resulted in me getting a punch to the snout and the dagger to come down into my throat once more.

At this point, I saw it was hopeless to fight. I had lost too much blood and this guard was much stronger than I am.

It was so cold. The last of my thoughts faded as my life slipped from me.

Expected to find that world where my father was, but there was nothing.

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