Gore for more

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A woman wonders around the corner and drops her basket of fruit. The sight she has seen brought her to her knees as she had watched the pup be killed right before her eyes. Jinx looked up from her position and growled. The woman couldn't bring herself to run nor cry for help as she twitched and curled into a ball. She rocked back and forth with frightful eyes repeating the same words over and over again. "She-She killed him.."

Jinx walked over and growled pouncing.

Some time after, a knight came around the corner and noticed the corpse of a woman with her chest and skull caved in and a decapitated pup. He drew his sword and backed away looking around his surroundings. He growled keeping his sences on his alert before making a run for help. "Everyone return to your homes.!!!" He said as he caught up to his comrad. "Get everybody into their homes and make sure nobody is roaming the streets."

The Jackals nodded before running off in different directions shouting orders. The knight walked over to a house and pushed the door. To his surprise, it swung open and the smell of mildew filled the room. He stepped in to find a mated couple laying in their bed dead. The males stomach was ripped open with his inner organs spread and his intestines removed and missing. the female on the other hand was missing her skin. He gagged and left out the door tripping over his hind legs and vomited. The sight was too much to bare even if he has seen things like this before.

A lion was resting in his room. His tail dangling off the side of the bed and his body as calm as his slumber. His breathing was calm and his chest slightly elevated with every inflation of his lungs.

The door swung open as guards filled the room awakening him. He growled looking at them. "How dare you awaken me from my Slumber.!!" He growled. "What is the meaning of this unlawful sin you have done?"

The guards looked at each other till one came forward. "My lord." He said bowing. "We have a crisis on our paws of a murder."

The prince looked at him with unhappy eyes. "Is this not what you were hired to do?" he said as his pupils narrowed. "Be gone and find this fiend!"

"Thats just it my lord." said another. "We have no knowledge of where to find this perk. Already we have reports of several brutal murders across out our city. We only fear for your safety."

The prince sighed. "Be gone and hunt for this man. I want him hung before the day is through or so help me." The prince clenched a fist as he was then interrupted by a loud screech.

"Sounds like the cry of a vulture my lord."

He growled. "Why must you stand here?" the prince growled "Go find the source."

The guards nodded as the chief pointed at two guards. "You two, stay here and guard this room with your lives." he said. The two didn't argue as the rest left the room with nothing more to say

One Day: Undead ResidenceWhere stories live. Discover now