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Jinx rises from her feast. Her bandages stained in blood as flesh slowly began to return to her body. With only the basic organs slowly developing, Jinx looks at her priests. "Get me out of here." She said. The priests nod and began going through the crawl space above them and dig their way through. She glances around leaving them to it and jumped when seeing the god of death standing before her.

"You have questions." He said.

Jinx grits her rotten teeth. "Yes, I do.. Why am I alive? Why is this passion of power coming to me suddenly. What have you done to me!?"

The jackal folds his arms and frowns. "One question at a time child and I may just answer them honestly."

Jinx lashed out swinging her claws at him only to find that she falls forward. "OOf!"

"Weakling. Rise to your feet. I did not bring you to life only for you to fall shallow."

Jinx slowly rises and grunts. "Why did you bring me to life. Return me to the arms of my father you demon spawn!"

The Anubis blinks. "I have use of you. For a debt you now owe to me."

"Never," Jinx growls. "I would never follow the beast who took my father's life."

"Your father's life shall not be left in vein for your birthing. He will have his time but your mother, on the other hand, has brought chaos." The jackal huffed.

"So what if she has. I'm not a queen." Jinx frowns. "She is, or was."

The Anubis walked up to her. "What if I told you, I could answer questions you never knew existed."

Jinx glares at him. "And what question could that be?"

The angel of death reaches into his cloth robe and pulls out a necklace with a birthstone on it. "What if I told you, That I can reunite you with your mother."

Jinx watched and frowned. her eyes watched the gem and them held her boney chest. "Where did you get that?"

The jackal chuckles. "All will be revealed in due time." He said. "But first you must escape this tomb and return to the surface. I'll return to you when your flesh is whole. And ill reveal everything."

Jinx watched as he disappeared before her in a blur. She swallowed and turned toward her priests who was digging through the sand. "Hurry peasants. I must know more about this."

Miles from the tomb in a room of marble walls and carpet flooring, An ape sighed as he laid on the bed. He was examining his nails. The door opens and two gorillas shove a goat into the room. The monkey frowns sitting up. "What is going on here? Why have you brought this to my attention?"

The gorillas huffed coming in and bow. "We found him begging in front of the palace gates begging."

The monkey sighed. "Hmmm. a poor poor little goat you are," he said walking up to the frightened goat. "You know the law. No begging within 300 feet of my palace."

The goat whimpers climbing to his knees to beg. "My lord, please. I'm so hungry and my family, they are starving." he pleaded

The monkey folds his arms. "Well, that is not my problem. Send him to the mines for a couple of weeks. That should teach him."

The guards nod and grab the goat by his horns and dragged him out. An ape wearing a priests cloak comes in not long after and frowns. "Sire, excuse my intrusion but, We must decide of what we are going to do with the remains of the people in those pyramids. Our city is growing and they will only be in the way."

One Day: Undead ResidenceWhere stories live. Discover now