My Tomb of sacrifice

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Ever since Jinx died, The fear of the people grew. A public execution before the entire city of the daughter of the pharaoh. What more could this all have come to? Sarabi was pharaoh; Queen of Egypt.

Jinx's body was removed of its organs and wrapped tightly in bandages before having her mouth smashed in. Instead of a sarcophagus, she was placed in a wooden box. The servants of the city dug a tomb out of sight of the city and deep below the crust of the earth. Once her body was secured into the tomb, Khalid was brought in with his throat slit and placed in the corner of the room. They then burned out the torches and sealed the entrance. What remained of the tomb was a maze filled with dead ends and traps.

Nineteen thousand years passes by and a cloaked man on the hump of a camel came to the buried entrance of her tomb. He climbed off and pulled his hood back to show off his cat-like features. His right ear twitches before he grasps his shovel strapped to the camels back. With a sigh, he digs his shovel into the sand and began his work.

With hours gone, the lynx had hit sandstone. He smiles tossing the shovel to the side and began pushing sand away from the carved markings reading them aloud. "Beware of this witch for she will bring a plague back to us. She had slaughtered her father in cold blood before killing herself. The opening of this tomb will not only kill the trespassers but the ending of the world." The lynx huffs. "Well... that's none of my concern," he said before taking his shovel and impaling the slab chipping it trying to make a way in.

After hours of work, the slab cracked and fell below him. He fell with the rubble and groans finding himself in a narrow and low hallway. The hole only being about three feet up gave him the only legroom he had to stand.

After some time, He gets on his paws and knees and starts making his voyage into the dark caverns. With no source of direction but forward, and the powerful smell of death in the air. His paw pressed on a slab and it falls in on itself. The roof began to shake causing sand to start falling in on him. "Damn it a trap!" he said now shuffling through the tunnel trying to get through it as fast as he could. His paw reaches forward to plant on the ground so he could move forward and fell forward into a hole. He whimpers hitting the floor of a larger room. He didn't fall far but had an idea where he was now. He stands up and pulls a torch from his cloak and with a few rocks his tail felt around for, he lit it showing his surrounding room. He frowns and takes a deep breath looking back at the narrow hall he came from now filled with sand. "Well looks like I can't go back." He looked around at the walls an read the symbols.

Finding a drawing that took the entire wall showed a map of the tomb. He examined it closely finding where he is and where he needs to be. "OK OK OK... I'm here," he said pointing at a box and trailed his finger down the thin maze-like gaps. "OK go left, then right, then right again, then Straight, then right, then straight, Then Left, Then Right, straight, straight, left, then right."OK, that's my path."

He goes over it a couple more times before heading off into the dark caverns of the maze. He managed to evade traps and keep from tripping over skeletons. Soon he reached a room whose walls were covered in ink and blood. Ignoring the signs, the lynx walked up to the wooden rotting box and sighs. "I found it." He smiled pulling on the lid only to find it locked. "Hmm?"

He plants his torch in a pile of soft sand and starts to investigate. Pulling out a dagger, he was able to cut the sticks and strings holding the box shut. He lifted the lid to be met with a foul odor. "By the gods!" He said dropping the lid backing away. "What a foul stench of this corpse." He whimpered.

The feline pulled a golden book from his sleeve. He came upon the box kneeling down. Opening the book, he read upon its scriptures.

"adeu 'iilh 'amin re. jalb alhayat 'iilaa tilk alruwh faqat wa'iislah jsdha. 'adeu 'iilah 'Anubis. tueadu ruhaha wa'iihya' laha media alssabiq" He chanted. The torches around the room lit up burning their ashes of resin at their tips.

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