sleeping with death

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Matts pov:
Its been three weeks since cassi has been in a coma, the doctors said she might not wake up.

Her body fell below normal temperatures, she lost too much blood, she was dead for five minutes.

What are we suppose to even do? None of us has left her side, we all take turns watching over her, today its my turn.

Look at her lying so still, she looks like she's some sort of test subject with tubes and crap in her body.

What am i suppose to do now? The one person we need most is so close to death. Heh, she's probably dancing with death himself right now.

A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts.

-"come in" i say still staring at my token with tubes coming out of her.

Zack steps in the room "how is she?" he asked, already knowing the answer

-"the same, not getting worse, not getting better" we let out a sigh.

-"Did you find the gun man?"

-"No, but we do know who it was"

-"Who?" i ask

-"Cameron, and his people"

-"Son-of-a-bitch" i say with slight irritation in my voice "that son of a BITCH!" anger rose out of me like a fire, and the stand that was next to me flew across the room.

The doctors rush in to see the commotion,

-"sir im going to have to ask you to calm down" i pace the room back and forth looking at my token, our token.

-"Sir please come into my office, now" her voice was stearn

-"yes ma'am" i followed her into her small square office. Zack stayed by cassis side, i sat in the chair and burried my hands in my face.

-"sir this us a very delicate situation, any negative energy can compromise her, she needs to know she's safe. And loved"

-"whats wrong with her?"

-"we are still unsure, she fluctuates, she gets worse or she stayes the same, our labs have found a chemical in her blood that was also found on the bullet. If we can counter that chemical she may be able to make it." she pauses looking at the file "but we do also have other business to discuss" she hands me a personal file.

Isabella st-claire:
Dob: 10-25-1997
Heigth: 5'2''
Weight: 96lbs
Mother: unknown
Father: donovan st.-claire
Background: Isabella st-claire daughter of donovan st-claire, born in Athens, Rome. Moved to united states on her first birthday, father currently is the head of the st-claire crime order. Isabella ran away from home at age 12 after her mother was murdered for an affair that was proven false, the mothers name, and identity is still unknown. Isabellas whereabouts currently unknown.

-"so what are you trying to say? That cassi is in danger?"

-"we are not for sure yet, but the police want to take blood samples and interview her when she awakes to be sure"

-"no" i said. I cant have anyone poking at my token, our token.

-"sir, i understand your her friend, but if you want to help her, let the cops do their job" she paused "she's been gone for too long"

Those words hit me like a truck, gone for too long? Like they wanted her back into his house. And then i remember. All those headlines of murders that swept the nation, all looking for isabella, they never found her, no one person. We all just assumed she took her life or something happened and she died. I knew we had a token, and a pretty one too, let hope this one lasts.

-"okay, do it" i wanted to know more that the cops themselves. This is gonna be good. I walk into the room and sit next to her, i lay my head next to hers, with my hand i move the hair out of her face and tuck it behined her ear. I can see it now, her beauty, her everything, i wisper in her ear.

-"hello isabella"

Her face winces at the name.

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