beginings suck

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Zacks pov:

She was so focused, her body shuttered under the weight of what i had just told her.

A woman, thats what cameron said, but why is this important?

-"does the guy you talked to have cameras in his place?" she asked, with eyes as focused as ever.

-"yeah im pretty sure"

She jumped out of bed heading toward her duffle bag. She pulled out a laptop.

-"i need his adress, coordinates whatever" she logged onto the computer and began typing.

-" 3225 west tyrant lane.." i didnt have to finish my sentence
-"got it" she said engulfing herself in the glowing screen. Her hands type quickly, her face was thin and but round. The black hair that fell from her head, made her eyes pop. Her golden brown skin shimmered when the sunlight hit it. She was beautiful.

Unlike any other girl i've seen.

(flash back)
Another day of school, the twins are as roudy as usual and brian is stuck in his head phones. He draws on his note pad as he sits in the back trying to keep a steady hand while around the twins. Matt jams out to his music, out loud adding more noise to the already noisy car. I try to focus myself on my test i have today in art, drawing a complete portrait in thirty minutes is not exactly an easy thing.

My head hurts, this day i can feel is not going to be a good one.

We pull up to the school and matt gives the usual talk.

-"alright you guys know the drill, jimmy, johnny" the twins sit still with their eyes glued on matt "do not cause any trouble today, brian" brian takes his head phones out "try to not get sent to detention and get your work done" brian nods. He looks to me "watch how you talk to people, i dont want to have to see you get pulled out of class anymore" i have a knack for calling people out on their shit. Even teachers

Especially teachers.

We get out of the car and go our seperate ways as usual. I begin to head toward my usual spot, the picnic table under the tree. There's a girl there, she's in my spot. I walk up to her, my head already hurts from today.

-"who are you?" I ask, her head pops up in surprise.

-"oh, um. Im new here" she can see that she has taken my spot "im sorry i will move then" she gets up and leaves. Her long black hair flows swiftly as she walks.

What a loser.

The bell rings, i dont have enough tine to get breakfast and my art test is this period. Kill me now.

I get to the room and there the girl is again, she looks confused. She see's me and turns the other way. She asks another student where the art room is. He points the way. Oh please, i dont want her in my class, anything but that.

She begins to walk toward my room, this is the worst day so far.

She opens the door to my art room, and steps in. Great.

I walk in and mrs.strup is already introducing her to the class.

-"everybody we have a new student" she exclaims loudly "go ahead sweetie tell them your name and three thing about you"

-"h-hi, my name is cassandra, i like to be called cassi for short. I like to draw, cook, and" she pauses "i also like to study criminal science"

-"good, well cassi" mrs.strup put extra emphasis on her name. "You can sit right over here" she leads her to a seat. Right next to mine. Great, now i have to sit next to her, whats next we become friends. Never in a million years.

-"alright class, you have your thirty minute portrait test today. Draw the person across from you, use all the techniques i taught you to use. But add your own flare to it."

She comes over to the new girl

-"i would like you to do this so i can see your talent, but only if you feel comfortable"

-"i can do it" she said. Cocky much.

-"okay class have you picked your person?" the class agrees "okay your thirty minutes starts now"

Silence and nothing but pencil on paper, everything on my paper is good, but i cant seem to get the nose right.

I looks toward the new girls paper, wait, what? She's already done. Impossible, its only been ten minutes. And it looks near perfect.

She pulled out a book and begins to read

I dont like her, not one bit.

When class was over we turned in our work, the teacher praised her talent. I left as soon as i could.

Walking in the hallway she looks lost again, but this time she asks my brother, brian, for help. Oh no. Not brian. He's going to end up dating her, anything but that. Brian showed the way to the class they have together.

I dont know what it is about her, she doesnt seem like she's normal. She almost looks familiar, but from where? How? I push the questions back into my mind and keep my day going.

It turns out he new girl has all of my brothers in her classes. The only one who cant shut up about her is brian. 'Her eyes, oh her hair, her beautiful honey brown skin.' he went on for hours about her. I was sick and tired of it, i didnt like her, but for some odd reason i was drawn toward her. Like a moth to the brightest flame.

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