gone again

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Cassis pov:
When the doctor said i was finally cleared, the joy came through me like a river.

Everyone celebrated, of course some more than others, i still often pick at the wound on my stomach. They've considered cutting my nails because of it.

I sit on the small stump next to the bon fire, warming my hands from the chilly air. Mattew brought several cases of assorted beers and liquors, the twins sparred in the grass.

Zack and brian manned the bbq pit, every few minutes bursting out in laughter.

They still havent told me who did it, and how they took care of it. Still, im glad to have them looking after me, i love them all so much.

But sadly i have to go, i know who tried to kill me and i know why. I cant go back there, not if its the last thing i do.

I will never be that person again, when i leave im afraid i wont look back. Of course im going to miss them all. Tears well up in my eyes, i push them back in, trying not to think about it, but it lingers in the back of my mind.

As everyone heads in i walk towards matts room. He's on the phone. I listen in.

-"no, its fine, i understand"
I can barley make out what the person on the phone is saying

-"so i guess the cops are right, what are they going to do?"
Is this about my shooter?

-"okay" he says, his voice sounding strained "okay i get it, so what are we suppose to do"

I make out a few words from the person on the phone "she cant.....anywhere"

-"i cant just..." my arm knocks over the picture frame on the stand next to his door "hold on" he says, the sound of his foot steps get closer to the door. I run around the corner of the hall silently. I hear his door open the close, he went back in. I think.

I walk back around the corner, and there he is standing with the phone to his ear. His back is toward me, 'okay' i tell myself 'act natural' i go to touch his shoulder. He turns around quickly knocking me off balance, i fall onto the cold hard wooded floor. I let out a small whimper as my head hits the ground.
-"cass" he leans to pick me up "are you okay? Im sorry, you were so quiet" his hand moves to where i hit my head. "Your bleeding" he picks me up and takes me to the kitchen. He brings out the first aid kit from under the sink.

-"im sorry" he says again and he cleans the blood, he does it so delicately its quite fascinating to see him so focused.

-"its okay. I was just gonna see if i can take a car out tonight. I cant sleep" his hands lay on my lap

-"sure you can, just be carful" he realizes where his hands are and he quickly removes them. "The keys are in the safe, here's the code" he writes a few numbers down on the paper and hands it to me. "Goodnight" he says as he walks back to his room.

I take the piece of paper and head to the safe in the garage. I type in the numbers 'one-three-seven-nine- eight, red-yellow-6' the safe clicks open. I see the keys to matts car, but i grab the ones to zacks instead. The garage opens, and im free, i stop by a bundle of trees and grab my duffels of clothes and important papers. Now i am free. Where should i go next? The first word that came to mind was home. 'no way' i tell myself, pressing on the gas the car speeds up and i am free do what i want.

As i arrive to the border that seperates the states, my mind cant help but think of the boys. Will they miss me? Will they hate me? They accepted me into their family and i just left, after they stayed with me night and day in the hospital, and at home.

My heart begins to race, causing me to pull the car over. 'cant look back' i tell myself over and over again. 'i cant go back' i put the car back into drive and speed away 'i cant go back' i repeat to myself over and over again.

I soon come to a stop at an old hotel where a young woman about my age greets me.

-"hello miss, how are you tonight?" her southern accent is light.

-"hi, a room for one please" i say taking out a wallet full of cash

-"your awfully young to be driving out here this late, are you in any trouble?" she asks looking me up and down

-"no, im just going to visit some friends in california" i've lied so many times it gets old quick

-"that'll be twenty-five dollars" i hand her the money "well if you need anything call the front desk up here and we'll take care of ya" i grab the keys from her small pale hands.

-"have a good night now hun" she calls as i leave the front desk. I go out to the car and gather my things and head to my room. As i pass one room the couple in their seem to be having a good time.

My room, thankfully, is upstairs so i dont have to hear that mess. Entering my room, i shut the door behined me and take off my shoes.

Another old gross hotel, my thoughts become a swarm of bees around my head i fall onto the cigarette smelling bed and cover my face with a pillow. "Time for another name i guess" i go through the flip book of aliases to go by. Cassidy, no to close to my name now. Holly, already used. Venice, not used. Gabby, also not used, but i like venice better. So there we have it, my new name, venice.

I ready myself for a shower, feeling the water as i slowly adjust it to the perfect temperature.

I get it lathering the soap in my hair, my hair...i have to change it again. What should it be this time?

I've done and Egyptian style, pitch black hair. I had long blonde hair. A disastrous bob that i had dyed aubern.

Maybe i should just cut it shorter that usual, maybe i can go for a....pixie cut. The word pops into my mind like i red flag, i've always wanted one but too scared to get one.

Never thought i'd like it. Maybe i should try it out this time, maybe that will also help with the wigs too. I finish my shower and begin to get dress, its been along time since i left.

I'm pretty sure they noticed i was missing, i wonder if they're worried.

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