the meeting

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-"hello" zack answered in an aggravated tone. "Okay" then more talking "okay i got it!" he slammed the phone shut.

He pulled himself from her arms, and looked in her eyes.

His face was of mourning, he mourned the thought of her being gone. He mourned the thought of her miserable, in her fathers hands again.

-"we are going to meet them at camerons place" he stood up. "Lets get ready"

He looked at her realizing she had just a towel wrapped around her body. In embarrassment she got up and ran to her room.

Isabella took her time picking out the perfect outfit to see her father in.

Its been so long since she's seen him, will he recognize her? will he still love her?

Finally picking out a black dress with white stripes horizontaly at the bottom. The short dress accented her figure, and made her body look thinner. She didnt take time to put on makeup, just a dab of red lipstick to make her lips more lush. So her father knows she's healthy.

Opening the door zack stands to his feet in awe of what he sees.

-"you look beautiful" he said stepping to her

-"thanks" she put her head down hiding her flushed face.

Zacks phone buzzed again.

He let out a sigh.

-"so are you ready?" he asked

-"as ready as i'll ever be" she said. Fixing her hair

Isabella rushed out the door with excitmemt, fustration, and anxiety. Her heart beated a million miles an hour.

Zack follows behined her, he enters the drivers side. They head toward camerons place, speeding past each stop sign.

Isabella hummed along to the radio

She seems too happy. He thought to himself. Why?.

His mind raced with questions, they made him nervous inside. His heart pounded as they got closer to camerons place.

Isabella sat looking out the window, humming an unknown song she always hummed.

A lolaby, sung to her whenever she was sad. Anytime she had a sore look on her face, when she had a nightmare, just for her.

Her grandmother had sung it to her whenever she needed it.

They pull up to camerons place, the car is filled with sick anticipation.
There in the window her father stands. Watching as the red car pulls into the driveway. He smiles at the sight of his daughter.

Her father was a built man, square sholders, sharp jaw line and the same green eyes isabella has. His hair was also black, he wore a suit.

Like all of his suits it was hand made, from only the finest of fabrics, by the finest of taylors. He kept a White rose in his chest pocket, ever since Isabella had left.

He mourned the disappearance of his daughter for many years. He searched for her endlessly, day and night.

With occasional money missing from from his account, he knew it was her. He was glad to know she was still alive every time he saw it. It pushed him more to find her, to bring her back home, to give her the love she deserved.

Inside the house sat matt and the twins. Brian laid in hostpital, having to be sedated before they left for the trade off. He fought againt matt, and the twins all the way to the hostpital.

Zack steps in the house, isabella followed behined him in a joyful yet weary manner. The look of her fathers face, shattered her heart. His eyes almost flowing with tears, he breaths heavily trying not to break.

She's just as gorgeous as he remembers, but she has grown into a beautiful young woman. Her eyes glow in the falling sunlight, the dress she wears flows as she walks. The same walk she did when she was excited, always with a tiny bounce and or a skip.

They stand at opposite sides of the room, the silence is tense. Isabella can only keep her eyes to the ground, fearing the sight of her father looking at her with disappointment.

-"isabella" he says, breaking the tense silence. His voice is like she remembers, soft kind yet strong, its able to get anyones attention. Her father isnt one for yelling or raising his voice. "Isabella, please, look at me" his voice cracks

She slowly lifts her head up, meeting his eyes with hers.

-"papa..." she begins, matt grabs her by the arm and pulls her toward him.

-"shut it" he growls in her ear, his grip tightens making her wince in pain.

-"we're here to make this deal, so should we get talking or not?" he motions for st.Claire to sit. He does, he glares at matt angered at the way he jerks his daughter in to a chair.

-"how much?" he asks, as his men pull out a breifcase

-"i know we agreed on a million, but giving the sensitivity of this situation im going to move it to two million" moved behined isabellas chair.

-"we agreed on a million, and thats what i have for you here" his voice rose a bit.

-"well then, i guess plans are going to change now" he motions one of the twins to open the front door as a knock comes through. Jimmy rushes to the door and opens it.

-"my lady" he greets.

A woman steps through the door way, smiling at the room. her eyes scan the room, ultimately landing on Isabella.

-"hello isabella, my beautiful little girl" she turns her head to st.Claire who's now on his feet in shock. "My dear husband"

With a smile on her face.

-"i think we need to have a family meeting" she said, instantly losing the smile.

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