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Isabella and zack made a trip back down to camerons place. Takeing a look around for all possible cameras, she began her work again on the computer.

Her fingers typed a mile a minute, all while zack scoped the place out making sure no one was coming.

-"okay" she began, she looked at the tv on the wall "is this a smart tv?" she asked

-"yeah it is, that lucky bastard" zack moved to break the tv

-"no wait" she put her hand up "turn it on, i'll get a better view of what happened through that" zack moved to turn the tv on.

The bright blue screen glowed in the dark room. Isabella connected the computer to the screen and began watching.

-"i believe these cameras have audio, turn the volume up a bit" she sat with eyes wide open. Fixed on the television screen.

Zack moved to turn the volume up.

-"thats good enough" she said as zack went to sit beside her

-"what are we looking for isabella?" he asked

-"my father never would of tryed to kill me. He loved me just as much as my mom did. He'd never try to cause me any harm, he loves me. So who ever this lady is, she is not connected to him in any way. Maybe she is the mother of one of the kids that died in that week of chaos"

The week of chaos happened right after she had left the home. Many people connected it with her disapearance. But that was not the case.

-"there" she exclaimes pointing to the woman who had her back facing the cameras.

The woman was tall, and slender, her outfit was loose, business casual. She had a safe with her, a coded lock and thumb scanner. The safe that contained the money.

The voices broke through

-"i need this done and over with, just as i explained in the email" the woman held up the safe "its all here, every cent"

The man named cameron grabbed the safe after she opened it. Handing it to one of his men to count it.

-"so the target who is she?" he asked

-"that is none of your concern" she moved toward the kitchen. Avoiding every possible camera angle.

-"i cant see her face" isabella said with slight fustraition.

The video continued

-"oh come on, its not like im going to tell anyone" his voice sounded pleading

-"she was the worst mistake i've ever made" the sound of her voice became familiar. The way she moved her body, isabellas heart almost dropped at the words.

Isabella looked to zack, who was picking his teeth using his reflection of of a metal cup.

-"ZACK!" he jumped in suprise "you beautiful ingenious man" she began to look for mirrors or anything with a reflection.

-"always here to help" he joked, she nudged him with her elbow

-"Aha" she breathed as she found a reflection on a silver toaster. She cropped that image into view "now i just have to clean it up a bit"

Her fingers began to type faster, clearing the image up. Once the image was clear, she stared in horror and the reflecton.

Zacks face grew confused.

-"who's that?" he asked watching and her hands began to tremble.

-"tha- thats my" she paused to take a breath "thats my mother"

Instantly the energy in the room changed. Isabellas hand trailed to her bullet wound, that was now healed. Tears fell down her face.

-"i-i dont understand. How? Why?" she got up and paced the room "i heard the gun shots i heard her scream. There was blood everywhere" she grabbed her head as if the pain of remembering was too much for her.

Zack rushed to her as her knees became weak, causing her to colapse.

-"she's dead. I saw her die, she cant be living still. There was a bullet in her head" she began to cry.

Zack sat and held her as she cried silently. He hand clenched onto his shirt, as if letting letting go would cause him to leave.

Stroking her hair untill she fell asleep.

He closed down the computer and turned off the tv. Picking her up he headed to the car.

Slowly and gently he placed her down in the back seat. Giving her a kiss on the forehead he closed the door and went to start the car.

-"we're going home" he whispered as he drove off.

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