figuring it out

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Home. No not home.
Where am i?
Who am i?

I cant breath, mama? Pa? Where are you? Its so dark, i cant breath. Somebody, help me.

Im so scared.

The dream ended, i woke up to the sun shining through the curtain. Loud banging terrorizes my room door. I drag myself out of the smelly bed, my feet hit the cold floor.

-"who is it?" i yell through the loud banging.

I now become aware of my issue again and head to my duffle before i answer the door. I grab my small picket knife and flick it open.

-"i asked you a question" i yell louder, intimidating my voice as much as i can.

-"cassi!" the voice sounded familiar.

I looked out the peep hole of the door, and the one i'd least expected to be here, was here.


I open the door and let him in.

-"how did you find me?" i ask

-"well you took my car so, i think i'd be pretty aware of it being gone." bad move on my part. I should of dumped it when i had the chance.

I put the pocket knife back in my duffle, i grab the car keys.

-"here" i say tossing him the keys "i dont need your car anymore"

-"what are you doing cass?" he asks watching me as i pack my duffle again.

-"running zack, getting away" i rush around the room to find my bundle of crumpled up maps.

-"why are you running, what are you scared of" he stops me in my place.

-"im not scared of anything" i pass him up. My eyes caught a glimps of the maps on the ground. "Aha" i breath silently.

-"they're worried about you" he trys to keep the conversation going. "Come back home cassi, whatever it is e can help you. It is because of the-" he pauses and looks at my stomach.

-"its not that" it is that, but i refuse to let him know. I grab my duffle and throw it on my shoulders. "I have to return these" i say waving the room keys in the air.

-"cassandra" he says more authoritatively.

I cringe at my old name, it never was my favourite to be called. I much prefer my original name.

-"what zack?" i say heading towards the room door. I open it but pause at the sound of his footsteps coming towards me.

-"please tell me whats going on" he shuts the door and locks it.

-"i have to be out of the room by ten" i lied.

He looks at the clock and sits on the bed

-"its seven thirty, we have time" his voice sounded triumphant and thankful. Damn. I head towards the bed and lay beside him.

-"fine" my voice began to get cold and strained.

-"im guessing you already have an idea of who i am?" he hums. I lay my head on his chest and listen to his breathing, oddly it comforts me.

-"my father is donovan st. Claire, my moms name is Anaiya st. Claire. I was born in rome. That was my favorite place in the world to be, my mom moved us everywhere. Anything to keep me away from my father, he eventually found us and we brought us here to the U.S.. My mom had countless affairs with many men. My father found out about it, and well, he ordered her to be killed. The night she died thats when i ran, my father locked me in my room and had the whole house guarded. To keep me from running. I snuck out of a secret door that you americans decide to put in the houses" he snorted

-"we'll saved your ass didn't it?"

-" it did" i continued "after i left the area i found my friend luke, he had helped me out of town and out of state. I hacked into my fathers bank account and withdrew a few thousand dollars. I decided that i wanted to go to school. Still so i hired fake parents to enroll me and i did that for many years. Every two years i moved, i left and withdrew more money. I guess thats how i let my father know that im alive and well.

When i came to the highschool i expected it to be like every other one. But i met all of you, i thought i was safe and that i wouldnt be found. When i had been shot i realized that i needed to run again" his heart rate stayed at a steady pace his breathing as well.

I thought for the longest time

-"i just never thought my father would try to kill me" my voice became weary. I started to become sleepy.

-"what do you mean?" zacky body tensed

-"well i mean he loved me, unlike my mother. He despised the fact that i looked a bit like her, but on the inside i was all him. I was the light of his eyes, or thats what he said at least. I never really was careful about taking his money. So im sure he knew where i was at times. He never sent anyone after me, the murders though, those were another story. They were not because of me, and he made sure i knew that." my mind goes silent. Like all the thoughts i've had ceased to exist.

-"cas- i mean isabella, your father talked to the man that had shot you. But he wasnt the one that hired him" he paused gathering his thoughts "it was a woman" my heart dropped

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